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Breastfeeding in public- disappointed in people's attitudes

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Have you by any chance been watching "The invasion of the body snatchers"? Because these people sound universally dreadful. Nasy, nasty people. Nastier than the nastiest nasty things, even. Not a single decent thought or feeling in their entire miserable bodies, I bet. Do you think we should ship them off the planet with all the telephone sanitizers and other moral derelicts? Would that help you feel better?


Yes I think is the best idea in the world, would you like to take yourself off with them while your at it, best thing for you to I daresay! Muhahaha!!!

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That is so awful to hear, those people should be ashamed of themselves making a mother feel like that. To be honest I would have shown them up in front of everyone, as I don't get embarrassed anymore. Although I do appreciate that not everyone is like me and it must have been terrible, especially when your baby is hungry. Those types of people need to be shown up for the narrow minded, selfish and nasty people they are. If it had happened to me I would have said in a very loud voice "excuse me, you have the audacity to tell me that feeding my hungry baby is disgraceful" so everyone looked at them, then I would have proceeded to shout very loud, "Look everyone, look at these people, they have just told me I am disgusting for feeding my baby in a discreet way, take a good look at the nasty people we have in this country" It's the only way to deal with them, show them up for what they are. Believe me they would have left before me, as they are the ones that should feel embarrassed!!


Ha Ha! :)


Sounds good- I've love to be there to see it happen.


You're right, the world would be a better place if people stood up for themselves in that way. The bigots who try to routinely make breast-feeding mothers feel bad, are exactly the type who would quickly cease to do so if it got them in the spotlight like that.

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While I don't feel it is 'disgusting', I do, as a woman and a mother who has breast-fed, struggle to imagine me ever having fed in public.


I do appreciate that it is, indeed, a very natural act, but it is also a very personal, and very intimate one, one that I always did in the car, the feeding room, or the toilet. Going to these places was never an inconvenience, and I would never have wanted anyone to observe me in those close moments with my baby. That level of intimacy can be very uncomfortable for people to witness, and, whilst times have changed, we still need to be aware of other people's experiences and histories, as to why they may feel like they do, rather than just criticise them for not sharing a more modern opinion.


I, personally, would also move away from anyone who was breast-feeding in public, also. I have to admit, I don't particularly like to see it, myself, but I understand that this is my issue, but realise that this is because I would want to give them the personal space, and quietness that I feel befits such an event.

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... this is because I would want to give them the personal space, and quietness that I feel befits such an event.
After 9 months or so of these 'events' anything up to six times a day, whilst carrying on the normal routine of housework, supervising the other children of the family, and all the minutiae of daily life, I think any sense of feeding the baby being some intimate event requiring space, quiet and special attention pretty soon goes out of the window.


It's not intimate, not sexual, not special, you're just feeding a baby. It's no big deal.

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Had I had a child with me then I might have been forced to answer some embarassing questions!


Why? Breasts are there to feed babies as eyes are there to see and noses to smell!


I told my son about breastfeeding when I was pregnant with his brother so now he knows why ladies have boobs!

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I dont have a problem, and im sure you werent exactly waving your breasts around, just get on with it and smile smugly knowing you are giving your baby the best possible start, not only breast feeding, but taking the baby out into the fresh air.


I was in Costa and there was a lady breastfeeding, I just didnt watch, simple isnt it :)


Best wishes for you and your new baby

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Breastfeeding in a coffee shop IS attention seeking. As if she couldn't have avoided it with better time management. The mothers that CHOOSE to manage their days so badly that they end up breastfeeding in such public places where people don't want to see such things, especially when they're eating and drinking, is rather pathetic, classless and selfish. You have the legal right to do it, but there is such a thing as decorum.


i dont think so, she sat in the corner facing away from everyone, she didnt proudly announce that she was to start breast feeding and provide a running commentary.

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