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Breastfeeding in public- disappointed in people's attitudes

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I was in Graves park yesterday with my husband and children as it was such a nice afternoon. My second daughter was born two weeks ago and we've not managed to get out with the other two much, which I've felt pretty bad about. My other two were in the playground with my hubby and I went and sat on the bench in a shady area to feed the baby. There were a few people nearby; an old couple and then a younger couple with a toddler. Looked like they were parents having a nice day out with the little one and the grandparents. When I started feeding my daughter they moved away and as they walked past the older woman tutted and the younger one said something that sounded like "disgraceful" and the man said "I know, in the park, where there's children, it's indecent". I heard this clear as day and I was so shocked! I make such an effort to cover myself when I'm feeding, for my own modesty if anything.


I have never encountered an attitude like this towards breastfeeding and this is the third baby I have BF. I'm so disappointed by this to be honest and i was so upset. I wish I'd gone back to the car but we were parked out on the road away from.the car park, plus the car is boiling.


I truly hope this kind of attitude isn't representative of Sheffield because it was very sad to see :mad:


Just ignore these cretins, breast feeding is the correct way to feed new born,when A babe is hungry you feed him/her where ever you are. I dont kinow when womens breasts stopped being a feeding station for babes and now they are a sex thing, unbelieveable, I cant understand why people think its disgusting to do what comes naturally and yet they put up with filthy language thats spoken everywhere by children ,teenagers, mothers & fathers and grandparents.

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as they walked past the older woman tutted and the younger one said something that sounded like "disgraceful" and the man said "I know, in the park, where there's children, it's indecent". I heard this clear as day and I was so shocked!


It was a conversation staged for you to hear by people too cowardly to address you directly.


The benefits of breastfeeding are beyond question.


They probably also think that gays should be persecuted, women shouldn't vote and the Earth is flat.


As they are the ones with the problem, it's appropriate they were the ones to leave.


Feel glad. You may otherwise have had to overhear more of their ill-judged opinions!

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Ignore them, they sound lie the idiots that comment on dailymail articles and would have breeding made a criminal offence unless you had a license and fund set aside to cover the costs. Whilst at the same time opposing immigration and demanding their pensions increase.


Breastfeeding is good for mother and child and it is natural.

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To be fair, if there was some sort of sign, you know, like a warning deer crossing road sign to alert casual strollers in the park that the following zone is for "the breast feeders", I wouldn't have any issue but you have to understand that suddenly happening upon such a scene can be quite a shock and even distressing for some. Remember, the world is full of "other people."


Oh yeah stick signs up all over shops & parks; "please beware woman, lopping tits out", its the most natural thing in the world for a woman to do. Any health professional will say breast is best, if the child takes to it.


Sorry but its the PC brigade that's ruining this country, & seems to me you seem to be a subscriber, funnily enough this argument came up on Look North a while ago & they said it was upsetting for Muslims.


They had this Muslim bloke on, and he said " I wish the PC brigade would stop using us as an instance, for getting things stopped, we don't find it disgusting its natural":rant::rant:.

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Just ignore the idiots that make nasty comments. If they don't like it then they shouldn't look!


It's very rare that anything can be seen anyway. Most women do a very good job of covering themselves.


I was in a cafe a few weeks ago and a lady in there was breast feeding her baby. I was sat right next to her and it was ages before i realised what she was doing, i thought she was just holding her baby. My boyfriend who was sat opposite her didn't notice at all!


Nobody else in the cafe seemed to mind. And why should they? She was having her lunch and the baby was having his too :)

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