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Breastfeeding in public- disappointed in people's attitudes

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I don't have an issue with it but I'm sure there's women who do it in public just to prove a point when they could have just done it at home.


As I say, wouldn't care if I saw it but I can see the other side of the argument, it's like a private thing...a kid is sucking his mom's nipples for milk, and yes it's natural, but so is going for a crap and you don't drop your trousers in public and do it on the floor.


But again, if I saw breastfeeding in public, I wouldn't care less.


I can see both sides of the argument is what I'm saying.


Feeding is a lot different than going to the loo.

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30 , 35 , 40 years ago bottlefeeding was being pushed - women were actually told that bottle feeding was better - helped baby to settle, put on weight, gave women control etc . Hence the attitude to breast feeding of many aged 50+.


When I had my children 40 years ago, I was in favour of breastfeeding. I couldn't understand mothers who seemed to think it was wrong. :confused: However, when I needed to feed my baby in public I was extremely discreet.


I'm pleased that more and more mothers breastfeed (if they can) as it does give baby a good start. However, there is no need to draw attention to the fact that they are doing it. Appropriate clothing, or a light cover/blanket can shield mum from being stared at, and stop the 'deeply disgusted' mob from seeing anything. Of course its likely there will still be the odd one or two who will make a point of noticing. :roll:

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There are some real neander-trolls commenting on this thread.


To all the breastfeeding mothers out there, do not let the narrow minded and obviously sexually repressed morons deter you from doing what you feel is right.


I do like these booby baby beanies though.


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