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Breastfeeding in public- disappointed in people's attitudes

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Yes it is natural but its a park, you are making everyone to look other way as it is rude to stare. surely a quickie in the car would have been more ideal


It could be a quickie in the car that caused someone needing to be fed in the first place.


But joking aside, what is the problem as I can't see one

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Yes it is natural but its a park, you are making everyone to look other way as it is rude to stare. surely a quickie in the car would have been more ideal


Not really, as the OP said, boiling car which wouldn't have been ideal for either of them and people shouldn't be staring at her even if she wasn't feeding the baby as it's still rude to stare. It should be no different. Breastfeeding is natural, and you can't make a baby wait.

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Ah many of the comments I recieved myself. The looks are bad too. Had to feed my little ones on a tram couple of times, covered myself up properly but still, they seem to think babies will wait.


What would the complainers rather, you waited and the poor baby screamed with hunger for the entire journey, or you discreetly breastfed her?

Most people are polite enough not to stare, I know children sometimes stare and ask awkward questions, but it should be an opportunity to educate them about a natural process.

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I was in Graves park yesterday with my husband and children as it was such a nice afternoon. My second daughter was born two weeks ago and we've not managed to get out with the other two much, which I've felt pretty bad about. My other two were in the playground with my hubby and I went and sat on the bench in a shady area to feed the baby. There were a few people nearby; an old couple and then a younger couple with a toddler. Looked like they were parents having a nice day out with the little one and the grandparents. When I started feeding my daughter they moved away and as they walked past the older woman tutted and the younger one said something that sounded like "disgraceful" and the man said "I know, in the park, where there's children, it's indecent". I heard this clear as day and I was so shocked! I make such an effort to cover myself when I'm feeding, for my own modesty if anything.


I have never encountered an attitude like this towards breastfeeding and this is the third baby I have BF. I'm so disappointed by this to be honest and i was so upset. I wish I'd gone back to the car but we were parked out on the road away from.the car park, plus the car is boiling.


I truly hope this kind of attitude isn't representative of Sheffield because it was very sad to see :mad:


Don't worry about such idiots, they are just (forgive the pun) tits :)

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I'm not trolling, I can just understand that some people, (not bad people, just ordinary folk going about their daily business), may feel particularly uncomfortable if they suddenly come across a mother breastfeeding in a public place which they didn't expect, especially if it was some place that they couldn't remove themselves from quickly like a closed environment maybe on a plain or train journey etc. I can understand this because I can see past myself.


Why? It went as if she was jumping up and down shouting roll up roll up, look at this, get a free show!!!!


So when are you starting the campaign to get rid of the Sun the Daily Star and other such rags as after all they are quite blatant about getting them out.

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I don't feed in public unless I really have to because in all honesty I'm not comfortable and I don't think any nursing mum would purposefully go out and feed in public to get attention. I would never force it on someone though. It's hard enough BF in the first few weeks as it is with the constant cluster feeding and I have two toddlers who are going bonkers stuck in the house so much. We needed to get out yesterday. I think these people were just incredibly rude and its reassuring to read that the majority of people don't feel this way about BF in public.


To the poster who made a comment about pee'ing in public, not sure how if I'm reading your post correctly because I couldn't really decipher it that well but I hope you're not comparing nursing in public to pee'ing in public as that would just be silly right? And extremely insulting to nursing mums.

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Yes it is natural but its a park, you are making everyone to look other way as it is rude to stare. surely a quickie in the car would have been more ideal


But cars have windows dont they - and people could see what she was doing inside :roll: The OP was with her family in the park on a warm day - why should she feel that she should remove herself to an overly hot car (next thing you will suggest is that she should have fed the baby in the toilet)?

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butterball, do not worry and please do not tar all Sheffield people with the same brush as those morons.


There is nothing so natural as a mother feeding her child, it happens all through nature. It is the reason that female mammal's are given mammary glands, to feed her offspring. Mother Nature is a very clever woman, she put all the nutrients a child needs to grow and build up immunity to germs into breast milk and this is why breast feeding is best for a baby.


Please carry on feeding your little one knowing you are doing all that is good and that these narrow minded individuals must have a very sad life if this offends them.


My best wishes go to you and your family.

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