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Breastfeeding in public- disappointed in people's attitudes

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What would the complainers rather, you waited and the poor baby screamed with hunger for the entire journey, or you discreetly breastfed her?

Most people are polite enough not to stare, I know children sometimes stare and ask awkward questions, but it should be an opportunity to educate them about a natural process.


I found it mostly the old people that gave me dirty looks and uttered stupid comments. The dumbest thing I ever heard was from an elderly couple walking through peaks where a woman was feeding her baby and said 'why can't she just bottle feed like normal people'. Both my babies screamed, very loud and we had quite a way to go. It would have been cruel not to feed them.


It baffles me that people still complain about it considering it used to be the thing most people did until bottle feeding became more popular. I don't understand why anyone would have an issue with it. I certainly don't understand why anyone should have had an issue with the OP I thought all parks were breastfeeding friendly.

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I mean i bet they walked around the animals and i'm sure some would have been feeding...

Ignore negative comments and keep up the great job.


I breast fed for 10 months and breast fed everywhere i needed to the first 3 months.


Keep it up and tell them to tickle :thumbsup:

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But cars have windows dont they - and people could see what she was doing inside :roll: The OP was with her family in the park on a warm day - why should she feel that she should remove herself to an overly hot car (next thing you will suggest is that she should have fed the baby in the toilet)?


Its a bit more discreet. Some people will find it werid ( i am ok with it by the way)

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I'm not trolling, I can just understand that some people, (not bad people, just ordinary folk going about their daily business), may feel particularly uncomfortable if they suddenly come across a mother breastfeeding in a public place which they didn't expect, especially if it was some place that they couldn't remove themselves from quickly like a closed environment maybe on a plain or train journey etc. I can understand this because I can see past myself.


I understand that it might upset some people too - but I just don't really care.


If you find the sight of a woman feeding her baby upsetting, tough titty; it's for you to deal with, not for the mum to hide herself away.

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I understand that it might upset some people too - but I just don't really care.


If you find the sight of a woman feeding her baby upsetting, tough titty; it's for you to deal with, not for the mum to hide herself away.


Yep got to agree,like the tough titty comment.:hihi:

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