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Breastfeeding in public- disappointed in people's attitudes

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And sadly, I fear this selfish attitude is shared by the mothers.




Being distressed or upset by the sight of mums breastfeeding is abberrent and abnormal. It's as wrong headed as being upset by seeing two men holding hands or a black man and a white woman with a child together.


The correct response isn't - ''I'm afraid that my perfectly natural, normal, wholesome behaviour might upset you so I'll hide it away''


It's '' It's your problem that you find it upsetting and I won't hide away to make you feel better''.

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Thankfully it's not for you to decide what may or may not distress another human being. Everyone is different. Sadly you're letting your ego dictate how others should feel because your view differs. You need to grow more as a person to understand. Maybe when you've finished your A levels and have ventured out into the world. Take the blinkers off and you will realise that if everyone did what they felt like, DESPITE the fact they KNEW their behaviour caused discomfort and distress to others, the world would be, oh yes, the place that it is. And we've people like you to thank for that Halibut. I hope you're happy now!


Never took A levels but to my mind you talk a load of s..t there is nothing more natural than a mother feeding her child wether it is human or animal (which some people will say is cute)so whats the difference...

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Thankfully it's not for you to decide what may or may not distress another human being. Everyone is different. Sadly you're letting your ego dictate how others should feel because your view differs. You need to grow more as a person to understand. Maybe when you've finished your A levels and have ventured out into the world. Take the blinkers off and you will realise that if everyone did what they felt like, DESPITE the fact they KNEW their behaviour caused discomfort and distress to others, the world would be, oh yes, the place that it is. And we've people like you to thank for that Halibut. I hope you're happy now!


You're missing the point by a country mile - and leave the patronising drivel out thanks.


Let's look at an example - if there were a tiny section of the population that found people with red hair upsetting would you be advising redheads to stay indoor or wear hats?


Of course not.


We know that some people find the concept of homosexuality revolting - should we advise homosexuals to pretend they aren't and never behave affectionately in public?


No, that would be absurd.


We know that a small minority of people have difficulty with women breastfeeding (perhaps they have 'issues' of some sort.)


Should we insist that women feeding should go and hide in corners (or as some clown suggested put up warning signs in areas where mothers might feed their babies)?


No - perfectly ridiculous. The people who find breastfeeding upsetting have a psychological problem and shouldn't be pandered to. The right of babies to feed when they need to - and a mother's right to feed her baby trumps any concerns about rather sad individuals who can't cope with the notion that women have breasts, or who find the possibility that they might catch a glimpse of a breast - or, God forbid, a nipple - distressing.


Such folk need to get a grip and keep their 'distress' to themselves or seek help in getting over it.

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I was in Graves park yesterday with my husband and children as it was such a nice afternoon. My second daughter was born two weeks ago and we've not managed to get out with the other two much, which I've felt pretty bad about. My other two were in the playground with my hubby and I went and sat on the bench in a shady area to feed the baby. There were a few people nearby; an old couple and then a younger couple with a toddler. Looked like they were parents having a nice day out with the little one and the grandparents. When I started feeding my daughter they moved away and as they walked past the older woman tutted and the younger one said something that sounded like "disgraceful" and the man said "I know, in the park, where there's children, it's indecent". I heard this clear as day and I was so shocked! I make such an effort to cover myself when I'm feeding, for my own modesty if anything.


I have never encountered an attitude like this towards breastfeeding and this is the third baby I have BF. I'm so disappointed by this to be honest and i was so upset. I wish I'd gone back to the car but we were parked out on the road away from.the car park, plus the car is boiling.


I truly hope this kind of attitude isn't representative of Sheffield because it was very sad to see :mad:


How do they cope with a newspaper like the sun or the daily star then. Have they not heard of breasts before. They must live a very sheltered life bless them. Hate to be the kids when they have the birds and the bees talk. They will all think we come from Stalks.

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What exactly is there to be distressed about?


When I've been in the company of someone breastfeeding her baby it hasn't been uncomfortable, you couldn't see any breast, "nothing to see here". I'm struggling to work out what's so upsetting about it.


Facebook, have you ever actually seen someone breastfeed? It sounds like you've got an unrealistic image in your mind. I totally agree with you, it would be upsetting to be "confronted" by some behaviours in a public park- a couple having it off on a park bench in broad daylight would upset most people, but really, breastfeeding is about as offensive as someone sat reading a book and a lot less offensive than someone listenng to their i-pod at mega decibels.

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What exactly is there to be distressed about?


When I've been in the company of someone breastfeeding her baby it hasn't been uncomfortable, you couldn't see any breast, "nothing to see here". I'm struggling to work out what's so upsetting about it.


Facebook, have you ever actually seen someone breastfeed? It sounds like you've got an unrealistic image in your mind. I totally agree with you, it would be upsetting to be "confronted" by some behaviours in a public park- a couple having it off on a park bench in broad daylight would upset most people, but really, breastfeeding is about as offensive as someone sat reading a book and a lot less offensive than someone listenng to their i-pod at mega decibels.


Scared of them perhaps. Or had a very repressed childhood or something.

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