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Would Boris Johnson rob LIDL to feed the poor?

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Would Boris Johnson rob LIDL?


Why didn't Sylvia Dunkley ever rob NETTO? (115th Sheffield Mayor)


Should John Campbell rob ALDI? (116th Sheffield Mayor)


Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo would and has!


He gave the food to the poor! He stands up for the people.

Why don't we have a mayor that stands up for the people? All ours do is wear Gold and attend ribbon cutting ceremonies. That chain should be took to *insert gold buying, usury peddling shop name* and used to help out Sheffielders.



-video of them taking food from the supermarket.




A Spanish mayor who became a cult hero for staging robberies at supermarkets and giving stolen groceries to the poor sets off this week on a three-week march that could embarrass the government and energise anti-austerity campaigners.


Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, mayor of the town of Marinaleda – population 2,645 – in the southern region of Andalusia, said food stolen last week in the robberies went to families hit hardest by Spain's economic crisis.


Seven people have been arrested for participating in the two raids, in which union activists, cheered on by supporters, piled food into supermarket carts and walked out without paying while Sanchez Gordillo, 59, stood outside.


He has political immunity as an elected member of Andalusia's regional parliament, but says he would be happy to renounce it and be arrested himself.


"There are people who don't have enough to eat. In the 21st century, this is an absolute disgrace," he told Reuters this week in an interview at the Atocha train station in Madrid, tugging on his greying beard.


Sanchez Gordillo says he wants to draw attention to the human face of Spain's economic mess – poverty levels have risen by over 15% since 2007, a quarter of workers are jobless and tens of thousands have been evicted from their homes.


People need to eat eh! And if they have no work, how will they eat?


Despite the small size of the town where he has been mayor for 30 years, Sánchez Gordillo has long been a fringe figure on the national stage, known for criticism of the mainstream political parties.


He has introduced a cooperative farming system in Marinaleda and has repeatedly tried to take over land for farming, the latest target being 1,200 hectares of land owned by the Ministry of Defence.


His message used to draw only a small following during Spain's boom years when many farm workers, especially in agricultural Andalusia, abandoned fields to work in the profitable construction sector.


But now he has won far more attention as the collapse of a housing bubble forced thousands of unskilled workers back onto farms, while the government sank billions of euros of taxpayer funds into weak banks.


"They say I'm dangerous. And the bankers who are let off for fraud? That's not dangerous? The banks which borrow from the ECB for 1% then resell that debt to Spaniards for 6% - they're not dangerous?" he said.


Food security is an issue many might not consider. Until they are hit by food shortages, be that through rationing, state enforced class poverty, or a change in the price level resulting from lower production.

Food shortages are rapidly becoming a real possibility if not a certainty, and the unemployed cannot get allotments. Land sits idle, men unemployed, and production is falling. Worryingly employment is up and production is down!


When people are banned from growing food, then I don't think them stealing from monopoly organisations that control food production is wrong. How many milk farmers have the supermarkets drove out of business?


What do you think?


Should Boris Johnson steal some Basamati rice for this guy?



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What do you think?


When people are banned from growing food[/Quote]


They're not


and the unemployed cannot get allotments[/Quote]


As more than one poster (including myself) has put to you nobody can get an allotment. The unemployed have as much chance of anyone else of getting one.


Simply twisting things so it sounds like they're especially hard done by doesn't mean they are.


I repeat what I said the other day, I really don't think you care about the unemployed anyway as long as you can have a dig at those in society that you have a personal grudge against.


I think you would be happy if people who don't want to contribute to society got everything for free, you are just as immoral as those you rant against. You present twisted facts and when the opportunity arises to help those who you claim are hard done by you side step the offer with pitiful excuses and leave them as they are.

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Chemist , I salute you ! Read this story today and thought " we need a mayor like that!" Stood outside the supermarket , cheering them on , bless him .


Ours has been too busy trying to get compensation from a local TARA for a chair that couldn't bear his weight ! Think I might move to Spain

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They're not


Allowed to get an allotment? - Might as well be banned from growing food to feed themselves!


As more than one poster (including myself) has put to you nobody can get an allotment. The unemployed have as much chance of anyone else of getting one.
No chance?


Simply twisting things so it sounds like they're especially hard done by doesn't mean they are.
Nobody has a right to grow food, that is the problem! That is a natural right! How else will one eat long term without robbing/eating others?


I repeat what I said the other day, I really don't think you care about the unemployed anyway as long as you can have a dig at those in society that you have a personal grudge against.


I want to see unemployment redefined as 'leisure', and for unemployment to be extended. I want to see production rise, and I want produce to be shared more equally. Unemployment in the men of working age is a waste, they could be producing in abundance!


I think you would be happy if people who don't want to contribute to society got everything for free, you are just as immoral as those you rant against. You present twisted facts and when the opportunity arises to help those who you claim are hard done by you side step the offer with pitiful excuses and leave them as they are.


No mate, I want a different framework. I want people to be allowed to produce in the first place! Down with monopoly!

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Allowed to get an allotment? - Might as well be banned from growing food to feed themselves!


No chance?


Nobody has a right to grow food, that is the problem! That is a natural right! How else will one eat long term without robbing/eating others?




I want to see unemployment redefined as 'leisure', and for unemployment to be extended. I want to see production rise, and I want produce to be shared more equally. Unemployment in the men of working age is a waste, they could be producing in abundance!




No mate, I want a different framework. I want people to be allowed to produce in the first place! Down with monopoly!






Cluedo was always better.

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Allowed to get an allotment? - Might as well be banned from growing food to feed themselves![/Quote]


'might as well be banned' is not the same as being banned, but one fits in with your false idea about the world and the other doesn't. For those who want to there is opportunity to grow food. Nobody in this country has been placed on a ban from growing food.


No chance?[/Quote]


Very little. But it has absolutely nothing to do with being unemployed or homeless, which you constatntly try to make it is the issue.


Nobody has a right to grow food, that is the problem! That is a natural right! How else will one eat long term without robbing/eating others?[/Quote]


What is a natural right? Come on, I want to go into it, what do you define as a natural right? Is it the right we have 'by nature', 'being natural' before laws govern what is what. I'm sure you can't mean that as laws and governance are based on moral priciples and thus included in natural rights would be many, many things I'm sure even you would find unsavoury.


I'm guessing by natural right you mean the things that are natural to us but also don't contravene your own moral framework of the world. In other words, not natural rights at all but your own view on moral rights, which are two completely different things.


I want to see unemployment redefined as 'leisure', and for unemployment to be extended. I want to see production rise, and I want produce to be shared more equally. Unemployment in the men of working age is a waste, they could be producing in abundance![/Quote]


Right, let's say unemployment was reclassified as leisure and your completely unrealistic and utopian view was realised.


Would you then accept that as leisure any and all benefits paid for by the state (including health care) should be reserved for those who were willing to work and pay into the system?


I'm guessing not because what you would really like is everythiong handed to you on a plate for nothing isn't it.


You seem to be forgetting that at least a proportion of the unemployed have absolutely no desire to work, working the land (which by the way, is considerably harder than working in McDonalds) would not be a choice that some unemployed people would take, even of those willing to work many wouldn't want to do that.


Even if all the arable land in Britain was freely offered to those who were willing to work it the majority of the unemployed would turn the work down (if they had the choice), or are you considering forcing them into a back breaking job that they don't want?


So come on tell us how you would govern it, how you would redistribute the land, make it turn a profit while ensuring the unemployed got a decent wage for working on it while at the same time convincing them that the back breaking labour was a 'leisure' activity.


No mate, I want a different framework. I want people to be allowed to produce in the first place! Down with monopoly!


Which is what I said, you don't give a hoot about the homeless and unemployed, your an ideologist who wants 'owt for nowt' and who's only agenda seems to be to get those you consider to be the 'enemy' out and to take everything they and their families have worked for for yourself.


Let me put this to you.


If you were given 100 acres to do with what you wanted, redistribute and use as you wanted, then all of a sudden others (mixed class group) decided you weren't using the land fairly or productively came along and wanted to take it from you, would you hand it over to them or refuse them because they didn't fit in with your ideals of how the land should be used, or would you say, ok, even if I don't agree with you and this land is rightfully ours you can have it?


I think you would fight for it tooth and nail, because you're absolutely no better than those who you rant against.

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