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Should script writing ever be considered a job-seeking activity?

Guest Ant

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I wish him well but he would have to get an awful lot of acceptances to make even a modest living at first. For Radio, a beginner might expect £3k for a 45 minute script or around £800 for a 15 minute one. Unless he were well established with a lot of possible takers for his work, it surely makes more sense to do it part time until he gets a regular hit rate.

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Could he/she not do something part time to keep the JSA / A4e off their back.


I appreciate they are following their dream and sound like they are in a good shot at making a sucess of it but at the end of the day they are living off taxpayers and not contributing anything into the pot all the time they are "writing".


I have a friend who write's radio plays and does some performance art who works three days a week doing a "normal" min wage job just to pay the bills and then earns bits and pieces from the writing and performance stuff ad hoc as and when he gets a opportunity.


Because he is doing some work he albeit either his salaried job or the ad hoc performance stuff the jobcentre dont bother him and obviously he is not registered on their books any longer becuase he is not claiming anything.

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Could he/she not do something part time to keep the JSA / A4e off their back.


I appreciate they are following their dream and sound like they are in a good shot at making a sucess of it but at the end of the day they are living off taxpayers and not contributing anything into the pot all the time they are "writing".


I have a friend who write's radio plays and does some performance art who works three days a week doing a "normal" min wage job just to pay the bills and then earns bits and pieces from the writing and performance stuff ad hoc as and when he gets a opportunity.


Because he is doing some work he albeit either his salaried job or the ad hoc performance stuff the jobcentre dont bother him and obviously he is not registered on their books any longer becuase he is not claiming anything.


He could get a job on the bins.

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Ok, thanks for the input.


I'll pass your comments on and maybe he can be persuaded to take on a part time job to keep A4e at bay.

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He's considered that, but never having earned a penny through writing, he wasn't sure how he stood with Income Support. Not having had any, if you know what I mean.


It is an option, if he's "working" above the minimum required hours, and earning less than required, he can still claim Working Tax credits, which can be upwards of £90 / week...


At that point, he can still get Free NHS as he's claiming a benefit, he could potentially still get some Housing benefit (would have to look into this)

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