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Tax evasion smokescreen

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Of course it's immaterial, the smokescreen is there to take attention away from the real cost to the economy which is those at the top who benefit from an outdated immoral UK tax system and you walked right into the smokescreen.

The government must be clapping their hands.


Yet another question you're avoiding answering....

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Of course it's immaterial, the smokescreen is there to take attention away from the real cost to the economy which is those at the top who benefit from an outdated immoral UK tax system and you walked right into the smokescreen.

The government must be clapping their hands.


So you think the super rich should have to pay more tax than what they are legally required to do ?


Do you pay more tax than what you are legally required to do so ?


How does the saying go. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

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Yet another question you're avoiding answering....
So you're happy that upper echelon around the world stash away $3.1 trillion each year Whilst little fish like the 200 named are used as a smokescreen.:loopy:

The government has really succeded with you.

Maybe you'd like to tell us how low paid Jo Public can do it.

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So you think the super rich should have to pay more tax than what they are legally required to do ?

How does the saying go. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

If you had read my posts I've been saying throughout that the system is wrong for allowing the upper echelon to be able to put there money offshore etc unlike lowly paid P.A.Y.E workers.


It is a tax system set up to the benefit of the wealthy top earners.


Which part of the do you have difficulty with?

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Has anyone noticed the disclosure by the goverment of 200 tax evaders (altogether less than 1 billion) doesn't contain any top earners.

Is this just a smoke screen to take attention away from the top earners who with their accountants are the real cuprits who are legaly able to cost this country Billions each year?


I noticed this last week. Though certain peoples photos have been missed off






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Really, you're both agreeing that the tax system is unfeasibly complex and that some can beat it. Hence it should be wholly replaced with a low flat rate tax system shorn of most of the bypasses.


You've finaly twigged on, welcome to the real world.:roll:

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Tax laws can be changed easily , if the political will is there . They are changed every 6 months in the Budget anyway .... hence the need for accountants to go on regular update training . Despite what politicians want us to believe , it's NOT that complex . If the will was there , tax loopholes could be sealed tomorrow . A single tax for everyone seems reasonable ( with decent tax-free allowance for the lower-paid , say £12,000 )

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And if we were out of the EU , Clarkson et al wouldn't be able to claim CAP subsidies on unfarmed land , which he boasts about . Money for nothing - £25 million a day in CAP leaving our shores.....paid out of our taxes , yet what could the UK do with £25 million a day ? £25 million times 365 days of the year... we could have a fantastic education and health system , there would be money for decent policing ....

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