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ABC Cinema, Angel St.

Chris M

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Me too (I was 9 as well, my mum had to take me as it was a AA certificate).


Do you remember them selling merchandise in the foyer? I got a Jaws pendant thingy, featuring the head of the shark (as seen the movie poster) with a tasteful touch of red around the mouth.


I think I've still got it somewhere.


yeah, i remember all that stuff, don't see any merchandise at the cinema these days, didn't get owt though coz my dad was a tight arse, lol

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i'm sure in the days of the abc and gaumont that each cinema chain had to have deals with each film studios, like the gaumont would show, say, 20th century fox films, but the abc couldn't, which was a shame because i would have preferred to have seen the original star wars trilogy at the abc rather than (no offence) the gaumont. anyone remember which studio was tied to which cinema?

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I was interested to read some of the comments about the ABC. I actually worked there as a trainee projectionist from 1964 -66, when I left to go to the Odeon on Flat Street, as 2nd projectionist.

The ABC was as many have said a cinema before its time. I am going to mention a few names now that I can remember (sorry if I've missed any) .

The Manager at the time was Reg Helley, Chief projectionist was the great Don Sykes, Peter ? , Barry Fellows, my first job was as non-sync boy where I had to play the pre show, interval (sorry intermission) and title music from record and time it to the finite second for the film soundtrack to start, if it didn't I got a telling off from the chief. My first film I worked on was "the Spy who Came in from the cold" Richard Burton and Claire Bloom and we had our share of 'Road Films' having a long run with Dr Zhivago in 70mm.

The ABC as a cinema was fantastic. For anyone interested there is a Pathe Newsreel about the opening on the web. here's how to find it.....google itnsource,, click onto Welcome to itn...on home page select British Pathe..... enter in search "new Cinema for sheffield the click on welcome new cinema and the original Pathe news will play..click on view assiated and there are a host of other cinema openings, most with views of the holy of holy's the projection room.


I am interested to here from anyone who can remember the Odeon and the Abbeydale cinemas around this time.. I worked at both


A book about my exploits in the cinema will be available foc to anyone interested in early 2008................................................:heyhey:




i remember seeing Laurance of arabia there, outside was a motorbike and sidecar which was used in the film,

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There were always queues at cinemas those days. However The ABC was the best in town. We often called in the coffee bar up stairs. Sometimes before a film or just for a nice place to have a drink with the girlfriend (now wife)

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yeah, i remember all that stuff, don't see any merchandise at the cinema these days, didn't get owt though coz my dad was a tight arse, lol


I'm pretty sure I got it on the day I saw Jaws. Could be wrong though.


i'm sure in the days of the abc and gaumont that each cinema chain had to have deals with each film studios, like the gaumont would show, say, 20th century fox films


I'm not sure why these arrangements existed but anything by 20th Century Fox was shown at the Gaumont, and I think, Disney films too.


ABC had Paramount and Universal stuff (and maybe Warners too?)

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I remember watching Jaws there, the first film. I was about 11, wow what a film, seemed so real at that age. The effects, wow, when the head rolled out of that boat, sent a shock wave through me. Also when he scraped his fingers down the blackboard, my teeth hurt.


I wish I could watch films now as I did at that age, fill of wonder and delight.


Shame Jaws went silly after that, in the last Jaws film the shark was following the family around where-ever they moved too, who said sharks aren't intelligent, Jaws must have been educated at Oxford University with the intelligence he gained throughout the jaws saga.



God me and my mate qued for hours all the way round the corner, past the carpark, but boy was it worth it, fantastic film. You are right about the sequel total crappola, shouldn't have made it.

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The commissionaire in the top hat and tailed coat was none other than Joe Scarborough, he actually features himself in his painting of the ABC.


Someone mentioned the 'armchair' seats that cost £1.00, these were called the Pullman seats.


Happy days.

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My memory from the ABC is not a happy one. I was in the University orchestra and invited one of the female players to go with me to see the Hallé Orchestra at the City Hall. It was during the bad winter of '79/80 and when we arrived at the City Hall, we discovered the concert had been called off.

We had a look around for alternatives and my companion opted for Watership Down at the ABC. Not being a film buff, it was tortuous anyway but exaccerbated by her munching her way through a box of popcorns, it was a night, or should I say evening, to forget!

A much happier experience had been had when I went on my own to the Angel Street cinema to see a film "Something to Brighten the Morning" - a documentary on the legendary racehorse, Mill Reef. Now he was a star!

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I have really enjoyed reading this thread, such fond memories some of which i had forgotten. I used to go to the Saturday matinee with the cartoons and they showed things like the three stooges, flash gordon and the Double Deckers. Later on i went to see Jaws with my friends and while is sat glued to the film i actually bit through my jacket toggle that i was chewing .

Later still it was Saturday Night Fever even though i wasnt old enough, i don't go to the pictures now. It doesnt seem the same.

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