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Latest late bar - sat night

Miss M

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I have friends over tomorrow evening and looking for a late bar in the city centre. Not a club, but somewhere with a good atmosphere and we're able to chat that's open beyond 11pm.


Any suggestions?


As a side - does anyone know how loud the music is in Bungalows and Bears on a Sat night?



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if you're around Division street, as you mentioned Bungalows and Bears, there are a few places open until around 2am; the old house (used to play indie music not sure if they still do), forum, common room (not sure about the music policies here) are just a few of them. Players, soyo (both play current commercial chart music) and west street live are all bars which are open until very late although these may not be to your taste if you're wanting somewhere to go for a chat, however west street live does have areas which are fairly quiet and they play older music (nothing modern and mainly disco I believe) and they are open until 4am on a Saturday and it is free entry all night. As someone else has mentioned G casino is open 24/7 and is licensed until 6am, membership there is free you would just all need to take ID.


Personally from what I can gather from you're post I would recommend west street live or G casino.


If you would like any more information feel free to send me a PM (Iv worked in bars/clubs in Sheffield for just over 4 years so know abit about pretty much every venue)

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