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Originally posted by lauramuz

this is to naps! the lescar is a good pub! its been my local for a while and ive had some good nights! its a great place to go to meet new people cos people who go there are quite interesting. some more than others. Give it another try.

p.s i wash quite frequently and actually like soap


Your wrong, it's the worst pub on this side of the city.

Go to the Banner Cross instead you silly little girl. :loopy:

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The Lesbar is a legendary pub! I admit, when I first went there I was a bit wierded out. But after going there for about three years now it feels like home. The bar staff are really friendly, the managment are like your mum and dad and the clientel a so laid back its unreal (thats nothing to do with weed).


The Banner Cross is ok, but drinking with the BBC is not my idea of fun!


Lets face it, there both good pubs, ten times more atmosphere than you get in The Cottage. Dont start me on The Cottage, run by a woman whom hitler would be proud to call his daughter!!!!


The End!!!

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Originally posted by eldrivetime


The Banner Cross is ok, but drinking with the BBC is not my idea of fun!


Eh, you're talking out of your bottom.


Originally posted by eldrivetime

Lets face it, there both good pubs


No there not, the Lescar is a dirty student hole full of the sweet smell of BO. And the banner is a class boozer.

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You obviously live in your own little world where outsiders and new experiences scare you into mad ramblings about how great you are and how great the places you go are and no one can ever talk to you cos your so set in yours ways. Even your friends dont bother talking to you, your only time for human interaction is when you go to the banner and ask for a pint (most probably a babysham)! Well you stick to your banner and we will stick with our open minds and the fun we have with them. Wovsne. Hongu.

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Originally posted by eldrivetime

You obviously live in your own little world where outsiders and new experiences scare you into mad ramblings about how great you are and how great the places you go are and no one can ever talk to you cos your so set in yours ways. Even your friends dont bother talking to you, your only time for human interaction is when you go to the banner and ask for a pint (most probably a babysham)! Well you stick to your banner and we will stick with our open minds and the fun we have with them. Wovsne. Hongu.


I drink in about 10-12 different pubs quite regularly. How did you get to the conclusion that I was close-minded, and set in my ways.


It is easy to just make assumptions about people, just to look try and clever in an internet forum.


Just because I choose not to agree with you, shouldn't give you the right to judge me, and make me out to be an unsavoury character.


I think that the Lescar is a horrible, dirty little griefhole, filled with the kind of people who have phobias to water. This doesn't mean I don't like you, or am going to slag you off. Your opinion is important, and you shouldn't be ridiculed for it in the same way you tried to do to me.

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