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I understand not wanting to give details as you don't want junk mail but being worried about people over hearing your name and address is a bit daft isn't it? Do they still do the phone book? I've not seen one for a while but it definitely still exists online and as a searchable database if you pay. I think I'd start there if I was looking for names and addresses rather than lurking in electrical stores.


It's like when people say they shred everything with their address on as someone might go through their bin. I think they might already know the address if they are in your back garden going through your bin!

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You can opt out of the phone book of course, and you wont appear in any copy online then.


It's always a good idea to shred things with your address on in case people take it away from your address and pretend to be you - to someone inconvenient like say someone elnding them (you) money..

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I understand not wanting to give details as you don't want junk mail but being worried about people over hearing your name and address is a bit daft isn't it? Do they still do the phone book? I've not seen one for a while but it definitely still exists online and as a searchable database if you pay. I think I'd start there if I was looking for names and addresses rather than lurking in electrical stores.


It's like when people say they shred everything with their address on as someone might go through their bin. I think they might already know the address if they are in your back garden going through your bin!


They might not know your full name and date of birth though.

It's not your address that's important on your post (as you say, the address is obvious), it's all the other information that combined might let someone misuse your identity.

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They might not know your full name and date of birth though.

It's not your address that's important on your post (as you say, the address is obvious), it's all the other information that combined might let someone misuse your identity.


My parents had their identify stolen this way. The first they knew about it was being knocked up by the police to ask were their car was, it had apparently been used in an armed robbery and was on CCTV, someone had cloned the plates, this was the start of it. They had no end of trouble over a 5 year period.


In the end all the credit agencies were involved and they have number to ring and a pass code now to use when dealing with them. It took about 5 years for everything to settle down. When you have your identify stolen it is almost as though it is down to you to prove that you did not spend the money. My poor parents spend hours dealing with people over the phone and it really upset them.


It does not bother me saying my name and address in public. It is the fact that they then send all sorts of junk mail and sell your details on, so I refuse.

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All this talk of TV license really winds me up..



Dont let it then. Just let all those who think they know the law get all frothy at the mouth about it. Let them buy their tv licence every year, paying their TV tax without a murmer and looking down their noses at the ones who know better :D

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And what do you think it is that forms the law? It's acts of parliament.


Go do some research.

Theres a huge difference between what you think to be the case and what is actualy the case.



Then come back and tell me why i and other epople who post on here openly admit to not having a tv licences and openly admit to watching tv and yet havent been taken to court and havent been issued with a fine.


Ill pop back for that one though, im guessing its going to take a while :hihi:

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