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Why break a butterfly on a wheel

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The big flaw in your point is that the foreign armies in Afghanistan and Iraq aren't there in the name of Christianity. This is the 21st century and excusing the barbarity carried out today by Muslims in the name of Islam on things that were done inthe name of Christianity hundreds of years ago hardly holds any credibility



Our army are there representing the Queen, who is also the head of the Church of England. Anthony Charles Lynton Blair was the PM that sent them there. Of him, his constituency mentor said:


"But Tony's Christian faith is part of him, down to his cotton socks. He believed strongly at the time, that intervention in Kosovo, Sierra Leone – Iraq too – was all part of the Christian battle; good should triumph over evil, making lives better."


Mr Burton, who was often described as Mr Blair's mentor, says that his religion gave him a "total belief in what's right and what's wrong", leading him to see the so-called War on Terror as "a moral cause".


"I truly believe that his Christianity affected his policy-making on just about everything from aid to Africa, education, poverty, world debt and intervening in other countries when he thought it was right to do it.


"The fervour was part of him and it comes back to it being Christian fervour that spurred him into action for better or worse." Click here to read the full article


You will also note that I didn't defend any religion, although you imply that I did. I suggested that all religions are, have been, or one day will be, as bad as each other.Yes, The Crusades were a long time ago, but they were essentially a load of Christians telling people to convert or die.


That two religions (at least one of which must, by definition, be false) should come to the same conclusion about the wishes of their God (at least one of whom cannot exist) is most peculiar to me. It's almost like there is no God at all, don't you think?

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The President of America and our own Prime Minister are both Christian. Those who live in parts of the world where our armies are may have a different perspective on which religion kills people.


It's a bit of a leap to suggest that those wars are religiously motivated. Just because Obama and David, refer to themselves as Christians, that doesn't automatically make the war in Afghanistan, about religion. You may as well argue that David has blue eyes, and is waging wars in countries where the population are predominantly none-blue-eyed.

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