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The richest in the UK, Could they bring us out of recession?

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imo the only way this country would move forward would be to remove the monarchy, and the commonwealth realm altogether tbh.


Privilege at all levels should be removed by any means available.

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Ok, let's start by saying this..




Ok, more than 1/3 of the national debt, not quite 1/2, but damned near...


The number 1 richest has a not too shabby £12.7 Billion balance on his bank account, this is after having 27% (£4.8bn) wiped off last year..


Now, think about it this way, and this is just a hypothetical situation/idea, but...


Imagine if (like I said on my other thread) the top 1000, or even top 700 paid 1/2 thier wealth, back into the country, this would ease off the national debt, and help to (of not do it) bring us out of recession..


the best method I could think of for this, would be not to just hand over the money bit by bit to the public, and not to let the government take control of it, but for some third party to calculate how much is owed by the public and businesses to the top (say 25?) credit companies..


Then, working from most owed, to least owed, split the money, on a percentage based calculation. (pay off the same percent of debt from each company, the one with most owed receives most money, yes, but it balances out across the board)


Then, each company (again, overseen by the third party) do the same with their customers, using the exact same method..


This would then mean that they could give their current customers the choice of....

A) pay off your debt earlier by keeping the same payment, but there's less to pay..


B) pay less per month, over the same remaining term..


So, the discussion on this thread would be, do you think this method would work? or do you have any other ideas/methods for the same outcome, perhaps a better idea?


NOT wether or not the rich would actually do this...


Economic growth isn’t a good measure of the prosperity of people.

Recession doesn’t make everyone less well off and growth doesn’t make everyone better off.

Growth as made some people poorer whilst recession will make some people better off.


We had economic growth over the past decade which made many people much worse off and more indebted.

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Mods , am I allowed to quote from the Star ? Because the writer reflects my opinions but does it far more eloquently .


"We are ripped off wholesale , retail and any other way possible the tax-dodging class can think of . Businesses that make the rich mega-rich and the rest of us poorer , petrol , gas , electricity , banks , insurance companies , water companies , bus companies and railway companies .

The government supports them all in their efforts to become multi-millionaires at the expense of the rest of us . Lots of the mega-profoits made are not taxed : they go straight to join the billions in the tax havens across the world .

What does the government do ? It turns 2 blind eyes" ..... to be continued

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They would much rather recoup the billions in lost revenue by sacking nurses , firemen , policemen , and all manner of workers in government offices and departments, regardless of the consequences to the country or the people .


Money locked up in tax havens that does not get into circulation via the government knocks the economy . The drastic cut in income suffered by those sacked knocks the economy ."


And now (my words) they are trying to kill off the weakest in society , whilst sitting counting their worthless money in the Caymans - are we dealing with human beings here or total sadists ?

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Privilege at all levels should be removed by any means available.


agree with you completely, But the problem is would the people survive if we did remove the privileged ?, Because the people in this country are not used to thinking for themselves and just doing what they are told, hence why a monarchy has ruled this country for so long.


To remove the privileged would need a revolution and that would NOT be a good thing.

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So you want all those hard working people whos done well for themself to give they hard earn money to the low class scrubbles

If they started paying tax the same as the low class scrubbles as you call them the country would immediately feel the benefit but they won't because due to our flawed tax system they can send it out of the country which is something Joe Public can't do with his PAYE tax.

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