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Take social housing away from rich areas

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Zzz. Either defend your views or don't put them up on a debating site. Pretending not to understand just makes you look stupid.


So just tell me what you're hammering on about, so even thickos like me can understand. Even if you perceive me to be a lefty, what of it?

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I can't help that, that's you problem not mine.


No it isn't.


I don't give a stuff. if you want to persuade people that you have certain views, then its up to you to do the persuading.


I'm not persuaded.


The impression you give me is that you are a 'champagne socialist' - somebody who pretends to socialism - but whose pretence is likely to stop well short of actually facing the costs of being a socialist.


It's hardly a problem for me, thanks.

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It's lucky I wasn't trying to do any moderating then isn't it. :roll:


Not necessarily, I agree with you on this debate as you've already put the burning conscience of the extreme left Mecky in her place.


I am surprised however at you diving into an argument between two people, just leave em to it. Rupert did a hit and run on Tom e.g. saying something highly offensive then disappearing. Of course Tom wants answers.

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So just tell me what you're hammering on about, so even thickos like me can understand. Even if you perceive me to be a lefty, what of it?


I have read this debate from start to finish and found your contributions, while full of heart to have no intellectual content whatsoever. They are also extremist with cries of social cleansing.


It's typical leftie ranting, shouting down anyone who doesn't have a bleeding heart to make them feel or sound evil. The first sign of this in the UK that was big was the howling down of Denis Healey at the Labour conference in 75. He wanted big cuts to bring sky high inflation down. Of course the lefties just ranted at him as if he wanted to do it out of spite.


As regards this debate I've pointed out your 'greatest hits' so perhaps you can refresh your memory? I can't say fairer than that.


Finally if you are not a leftie I have to say you are the only person on here who dosesn't think that. I suggest clarifying your position. And no, some pity answer denying that you have to do so etc won't cut it. Defend your position.

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