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Whats with depression nowadays?

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I think the reason this has come to the fore so to speak is that mental illness is more talked about. This has two results


Firstly those that have this illness get help.


However it also means people on the skive use it as an excuse to get out of work. Since it cant be diagnosed they get away with it too.

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Only just noticed this thread on here although it's a bit old. 'Depression' is a lot different to 'feeling depressed'. Although not a qualified expert, I can certainly give advice as to where to get qualified expert help. Serious issue, but not insurmountable. Happy to receive PM's if you're after help. Take no notice of the negative comments on here. You probably won't respond to this if you're depressed, but try! You CAN get better! :)

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Get some sun on your pineal


Bit tricky in winter, hence perhaps why lots of people find winter a very trying time.


Interestingly, the peak month for suicides is May - it's thought maybe the sunshine lifts people's spirits enough for them to act on their suicidal ideation.


Fascinating article here - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4528883.stm

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