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Albert Bentley ex Police RIP

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In the late 60s I was out with some friends and after a night of drinking we ended up in the taxi rank in Fitzalan Square. There was a fight and a young cop, on his own tried to break it up, he was set upon and was getting a kicking.


I decided enough was enough and got stuck in to assist him. Other cops turned up and I found myself arrested in the confusion. I ended up in Water Lane nick.


The others, about 6 of them, that had assaulted the cop were also brought in and wanted to continue fighting.


Suddenly from out of the back came this man mountain who I later found out was Albert Bentley. His presence immediately calmed the situation. placing a huge hand on the counter he said in a surprisingly light voice, "don't make me come round there". All became peaceful.


The cops in those days were heavy handed and I realized that there was a very good chance that I would receive some summary punishment before being locked up. Mr Bentley was not having any of that and as we were all placed in the cells he was firm, calm and in a strange way quite caring.


Eventually the cop who had been assaulted arrived and was very concerned about me, he and Mr Bentley came to my cell, let me out, I was regaled with cups of tea and biscuits until a car arrived and I was taken home.


I often saw Albert Bentley in the city centre after that and we chatted often. I moved away from Sheffield in the 70s but often wondered what happened to him.


I am sorry he has passed, but he must have lived to a good age.


A good man. A great cop.

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I never actually met Albert Bentley but I do remember a huge policeman on point duty in High Street. He was clearly a wonderful man, a fine husband & father, a gentle giant and a credit to the police force. R.I.P. Albert.

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I remember Albert Bently (Big All) with fondness and it was a pleasure to have served on the force with him. I have many memories of Albert one of my favourites is when I was working as night Det Sggt at Water Lane CID I took a stroppy prisoner up to the charge office where he continued to shout at me and use profane language to me and was saying what he would do if he caught me on my own at some later date. Albert who was behind the desk at the charge office came round to the front of the desk +picked him up by the scruff of the neck looked straight into his eyes and said in a quite voice* You do not make threats to one of our Det Sgts and if you think you would come off best in a meeting with believe me you would lose. now be quite or you'll not bet a blanket. the prisoner went very quite and muttered apologies all round. A big but humble man he is sadly missed and was a credit to the Sheffield Police Force.

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