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A word of warning on buying council houses

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Originally Posted by Benedictine

And who are these people who would turn down the opportunity to buy their own house at a discount (having paid rent for years and years)? Not me. Not you, as you have already admitted you would do the same, not anybody of any sense, maybe a wannabe Mother Teresa or the insane?


I didn't say that I expect them to do it, I said they should do.


Yes right, not in the real world.


A tenfold profit is a tenfold profit, it is not a bad investment, particularly when making a profit was not the main objective.


It's a terrible investment if you should have made a twentyfold return.


I have already more than addressed this sort of loop to loop so I'm not going over old ground.


Have they been free to build new properties? I don't think they have.


Yes there have been several new properties built within a few miles of us even. It does happen. No doubt not quickly enough that I can believe because in my dealings with the council they are shockingly inefficient.

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Probably because the RTB was bought in for social landlords and not private ones. People in housing associations also have the RTB and so they should as a lot of housing association properties were once council owned.


Those with a mortgage have already bought their property so don't count.


It was a rhetorical question …… even so you still haven’t come up with a answer as to why council house residents have been given such generous discounts while everyone else has to meet the costs of full market value properties.

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It was a rhetorical question …… even so you still haven’t come up with a answer as to why council house residents have been given such generous discounts while everyone else has to meet the costs of full market value properties.


I though that was obvious, because that how the law was drafted as it was about sales of social housing and nothing to do with private stock. I guess it was a social experiment designed to get rid of as many council homes as possible. Doing so means that many people were then forced, because of the lack of social housing to buy or go private.


Buying a home means that you have a very large debt for a long time and give the government and the lenders a guaranteed income for many years. It makes people feel vulnerable and less likely to change jobs and more likely to except wage cuts, wage freezes etc as their home is now on the line.


Those in council properties don't have to worry about those problems as they are or were fairly secure.

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The government should never have been allowed to allow council tenants RTB.

Council houses belong to the state and were built with taxpayers money. They should be a legacy for time immemorial.


I think it was more to do with the fact that councils are that inefficient and incompetent that it cost more to manage and maintain them than they were worth.

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Did you vote Tory?

I'm guessing Monster Raving Loony.


ah diddums did we not get buildings insurance ... owning a house is grown up land where people are expected to take responsibility unlike the entitled eternal childhood of a benefit life...

Harsh but fair.


So you didn't become a "middle class Tory voter"? Why should anyone else just because they buy their house?

Tony Blair owns loads of houses and I believe he once voted Labour.

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