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What to do with £80,000 ?

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As I said, your thinking is limited. You write out all that rubbish based on what you BELIEVE must be possible against what is reality for many successful landlords and investors in that area.
It should be easy for you to prove me wrong then shouldn't it.



I'm not suggesting this is what the OP should do, it's not for me to give financial advice

That's exactly what you did earlier in this thread.

it's what IS being done by a number of investors I know in that area right now whether you believe it or not.

I don't believe they're making as much as you suggest.


Your demand to know the numbers is funny, I laughed.

Yes, it's really funny wanting numbers when looking at investment. :huh:

I chose Milton Keynes as an example because i know some investors down there and I know their numbers. The FACT is that the 4 bed LHA rate in that area is £950 per month
That may be the LHA rate, privately there are cheaper 4 bed lets available.
and the mortgage OBVIOUSLY depends on what the house is purchased for.

Yes, obviously, but since I looked at the cheapest houses available the interest rate and interest payments can only go up from my calculations.

These are professional investors, do you think they pay market value for their properties?


How do you think rich people get richer? You amuse me. I would advise you stick to your inane ramblings about subjects you have half a clue about instead of ones you clearly have zero clue.

Feel free to prove me wrong by posting your own calculations, or don't, just keep repeating how clever you are and hope that everyone believes it.


Of course there are maintenance costs, being a landlord is NOT passive income but the profits are very good for those that manage their portfolios well.

You just didn't bother to include them (or any other costs) when you made your first post about what a brilliant investment it was.

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So why are you posting on a thread where someone is asking about the best way to invest £80k?


You can buy 4 BTL LHA properties with £80k, if you do this in milton keynes (4 bed), that's 4 x £950 per month at the current rates. £3800 per month. Not bad change.


And what was that if not investment advice?

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I'm not here to help you or anyone else look at an investment. How you invest your money is of no concern to me, although from your obvious lack of knowledge in this area I hope it's not property. The LHA rate for a 4 bed in milton keynes IS £950 per month and that's what you would get right now if you put lha tenants into a 4 bed property in that area. If you're looking at an investment property on rightmove or in an estate agents window you're too late. As if the best deals are ever advertised. Sure you might get the odd bargain at auction or on the high street but most property investors I know would NEVER pay market value for an investment property. The whole point of being in a cash ready position is to use that power to buy below market value and to get a great deal.

Your suggestion was to take out 4 BTL mortgages, which is pretty much the definition of not being in a cash ready position.

Only a total amateur property investor would look on rightmove and pay market value. It's laughable. Honestly you can't be serious, I think you're having some fun with me. I mean maybe the pros did that to start with, and then through networking they learned what was really going on from other landlords who took pity on them.

I used rightmove merely to find out what kind of price property is in MK. This being SheffieldForum, and me living in Sheffield means I have little knowledge of the housing market in MK.

Which also makes it a particularly stupid suggestion that someone in Sheffield invest by buying houses to let 150 miles away.


This thread is not about property investment, it's for suggestions on what to do with £80k and right now that's what I would do with it.

Are you a landlord then?

You don't like my suggestion

I didn't say that.

I just rubbished your figures since you failed to take into account even the most obvious costs involved and suggested a return that is massively unrealistic.

I'm not going to lose one minutes sleep over that. :D I'm not offering financial advice
Yes you were.
, just my opinion on what I would do. What people do with their own money is their lookout and should seek advice from "professionals".

Probably true. But if they are going to look at advice on a forum, you'd hope that the examples given weren't just complete fabrications and had at least some basis in reality.

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that's not advice, it's a fact which anyone can check on the mitlon keynes council website.


Maybe you should have avoided posting then if you weren't going to reply to the OP and instead were just going to post random facts about the housing market in a city 150 miles away.

Your estimation of profit isn't a fact though, it's completely inaccurate.

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