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What to do with £80,000 ?

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I'm not here to educate you cyclone, I get it that you don't get it. Your comments above show me that you don't even know what you don't know. if you have 80k, you ARE cash ready, how you choose to use that 80k depends on how many deals you have as an option. Most investors won't have 4 below market value deals to take advantage of at the same time, they might only convert one lead that turns into an actual below market value purchase per month or every two months. So they build up their portfolio one deal at a time. Some acquire 4-6 properties in under 6 months, some take a year or more, depends on the investor and their skills to source deals and implement.


The figures are £950 per month minus the normal expenses associated with buy to let property. The monthly mortgage cost would depend on what you paid for the property so if it was you, it would be HIGH :D


You have been dreaming about Sarah Beanie and her large portfolio too frequently.The term below market value is a term used to disguise carpet bagging,the exploitation of desperate sellers by avaricious investors.you feign expertise but now need to return to the fantasy land that lies under the hammer.

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To me investing in gold is far from safe if you invested in the last year then if you are lucky you are sitting on a small profit but most likely you have lost money.


The thing with gold as Warren Buffett rightly says it does not do anything it pays no interest pays no dividend,you are totally relient on its capital value going up which as the last year has proved is far from guaranteed.

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Although Buffet himself can't deny the vast profits made by those who wisely invested heavily in gold in the last 8-10 years or so. It's good to have a percentage of your overall networth invested in gold even if just as an insurance policy, after all, if the world turns in on itself and the value of sterling or cash in general becomes worthless, those who stockpiled gold will have what will probably be the only universal currency to put their families immediately back on top. I mean, plan for the worst, hope for the best right.


Will gold have any value in a crisis?It has little intrinsic value -like diamonds its value is based on human vanity.In a real crisis people will not worry about self-adornment but will be scraping a living on a crust.

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