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Why all the fuss regarding Prince Harry's Vegas antics

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But will it sell more? The picture is free to see on the Net and free to see on the front page.


This is nothing more than revenge for the drubbing Murdoch's media empire got at Leveson.


Id say so, some people are to lazy to to look on the internet and prefer to have it in their hands..

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I suppose if any good comes out of the publication,its a question about the security team, and whether those people invited into his Hotel rooms should have been searched before,and any cameres removed,after all it has been stated that some of the group were strangers.

In that sense, If you look at from a position of responsibility,and not whether his behavior was right or wrong,he has been rather foolish i think,considering his position.

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No-one nowadays seems to see a difference between:

a. in the public interest; and

b. of interest to the public.


I presume you are refering to the press?


Their justification is inevitably (a), but the reality is in fact (b)...In order to flog more copies.

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Harry is an army officer who isn't allowed to lead his men in Afghanistan because of what the press got up to.


Harry isn't allowed to do anything in Afghanistan - or any war zone - except hide because if a royal were killed or injured there'd be a massive constitutional crisis. As soon as news leaked out a year or two ago that he was even in the country he was flown out sharpish because he would have been targetted straight away by the insurgents. It has nothing to do with the press.


Harry is a brainless pillock, the worst embarrassment to the royals since Sarah Ferguson twenty years ago. He has absolutely no commonsense and the social skills of an autist on crack. But because he's a royal we have to pretend he has an important role in the defence forces. He hasn't. Like all the royals he has no role in anything other than as a figurehead, but figureheads don't normally wear Nazi uniforms and behave as if there are no rules unless they're in the SS.


Those who think that Harry can do what he likes should note that although most people his age may want to behave like that they don't get paid a lot of money because of who they're parents (allegedly) were. There's no point having royals unless different rules apply to them in return for the money and privileged lifestyle. When they can't live by different rules then people will ask what we are paying them for.

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The Scum is a complete and utter joke.


20-odd year old male gets drunk and takes clothes off with many attractive females. Shock, Horror!


Good on the lad, what he does in his private life is nothing to do with me, you or the British taxpayer whatsoever.


Have you read their justification for publishing the pictures. They claim it's in the public interest because these pictures were available elsewhere.


What The Sun really means is... "We've thrown our toys from the pram and having a hissyfit because of that nasty Mr Leveson has told us off".

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Harry isn't allowed to do anything in Afghanistan - or any war zone - except hide because if a royal were killed or injured there'd be a massive constitutional crisis. As soon as news leaked out a year or two ago that he was even in the country he was flown out sharpish because he would have been targetted straight away by the insurgents. It has nothing to do with the press.


Harry is a brainless pillock, the worst embarrassment to the royals since Sarah Ferguson twenty years ago. He has absolutely no commonsense and the social skills of an autist on crack. But because he's a royal we have to pretend he has an important role in the defence forces. He hasn't. Like all the royals he has no role in anything other than as a figurehead, but figureheads don't normally wear Nazi uniforms and behave as if there are no rules unless they're in the SS.


Those who think that Harry can do what he likes should note that although most people his age may want to behave like that they don't get paid a lot of money because of who they're parents (allegedly) were. There's no point having royals unless different rules apply to them in return for the money and privileged lifestyle. When they can't live by different rules then people will ask what we are paying them for.


More holes than swiss cheese.

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