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Advice regarding a spider!

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Ok i am seriously worried about a spider that my brother and his fiance took a picture of in their house.


It's MASSIVE, way bigger than any house spider, daddy long legs, or garden spider than i have ever seen ever, and i've seen some big ones. Looking at the picture it looks to be the size of an adults hand and i've been told its actually bigger than what it looks in the pictures.


It's very fast, very pale coloured, has long legs that are thin.


They thought it was a bird that had got in to the house of soemthing with the noise it was making but when my brother went to look he found the spider!


I'm a tad bit worried they recently went abroad and i know its a long shot but if they have brought anything back by accident is it likely to be dangerous?


I literally have never seen anything that big in britain!


Is it bigger than this, big british house spider

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It's the very rare, mostly never seen, highly venemous arachnid called the Na den dee da bleeder. It gets this name from the simple fact that if it does bite you, the resultant wound WILL bleed for 40 days and 40 nights. Fortunately several pints of blood, by transfusion will keep the bitten victim alive (hopefully).:loopy:



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