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The Travellers & Gate Inn Wadsley Bridge

Jacko 1

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I have just been round the Claywheels Lane area for the first in ages today and seen the diggers knocking down The Travellers pub and it looks like The Gate will follow suit what a shame when I was a young chap we used to call in both on our pub crawl in the Wadsley Bridge area, what a true shame gutted spring to mind, where do the Wednesdayites go now ?

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I think the demise of both the Gate and the Travellers' really started way back when the road was widened and lots of the surrounding houses were demolished. The original Gate was demolished and rebuilt as part of the road widening scheme.

When I was a child, in the 1950s, the Travellers' was set well back from the old road - now was it the Travellers' or the Gate that had the large garden at the back? There was an old rickety swing and, I think, a small pond.

My dad used to often go down to the Travellers'/Gate on his own, but just before works' weeks every year, we would all walk down to the Travellers' to book our day trips with Law Bros charas. (I never did know the backstory to a pub having a booking agency for a coach company.) The downside came on the trip days, when we would have to get up at the crack of dawn to walk down to the Travellers' to get the chara. This could be anywhere between 7 and 8, depending on where we were going; we'd be laden with bags containing towels, swimming costumes, buckets and spades and packing-up. When the charas got back, we always had a drink outside the pub, as did most of the day-trippers. It was so exciting playing in the pub garden in the dark, and I can taste the pop and crisps to this day! We'd then have to trudge wearily home, right to Malin Bridge, I often fell asleep and had to be carried. Does anyone else remember Law Bros coaches' association with the Travellers'? Maybe Hillsboro has some photos?

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