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I had a problem with telewest, basicly not being in my opinion the cheapest, so I moved my line to BT and ported my number.


To do this BT needed confiramtion and approval from Telewest as they owned the number.


BT got this and gave me a connection date, I got a disconnection date from telewest.


All this went well.


9 months later my mum (it was her house) lucky I was there to take the call, they say I was 9 Months in arrers and they were going to cut me off. I told they would find that hard to do as I was disconnected 9 months before. He said I was on incoming calls only for non payment, I said I wasn't and I ported my numeber. He then said I must be on imcoming calls as this is how they got hold of me and that is the number on the account. I again told him the numebr had been ported to BT this is how I can recive incoming calls.


It took a futher 6 months to get sorted, went to a debt collector who hassled me more than telewest. (can't blame them too much as telewest wouldn't tell them to drop the case).


Becuase of this I would NEVER go back to telewest again, as this matter should have been sorted as soon as the error was relised not take a further 6 months.


I'm just glad the phone calls were to a free phone number lost track how many times I phoned them.


They have done the same to my brother but his boss is dealing with it for him, as it has gone to court via a debt collection company. They say it becuase he hasn't been answering to letters that have been going to a flat that isn't there anymore, that he was still connected to 8 months after they demolshed it. Thats a good one yeah.


His boss btw is a partner in a solicitors in Barnsley. Doing it for free as well.


His boss is awaiting on the proof from telewest that my brother was still connected to they cut him off. even though like I said this would be 8 months after the flat was knocked down 10 months after my brother disconnected it and got his "final" bill that says the date that he was disconnected.



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I mean, not last weekend but the weekend before, the Internet went down completely. Crash bash style. I was fuming.


When I phoned Telewest, after pressing millions of buttons to get me to the right place, it turns out that I have to ring a 50p a minute number up to find out that it was their fault.


I shouted and shouted at the call-handler until I was blue in the face, but she said there was nothing she could do. Humbug! This sort of thing really gets my goat! It really does!


So not only did I lose an entire weekend but the Monday as well. Three whole days the Internet was down, and not one, no not one sodding apology.


If it happens again, I will write personally to the Manager of the Internet and get the company removed.

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