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R.I.P Neil Armstrong

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Man went to the moon, as a kid I remember seeing it, I also remember us all at school watching a recording form BBC on it as some didn't have TV's at home. WE will always get conspiracy stories, but being as you've used "copy & paste", thought I'd do likewise.


Since the late 2000s, high-definition photos taken by the LROC spacecraft of the Apollo landing sites have captured the lander modules and the tracks left by the astronauts.[3][4] In 2012, images were released showing the Apollo flags still standing on the Moon.[5][6]


I prefer to remember Neil Armstrong as a pioneer who was just a shy quiet man, please don't try to score points by tarnishing his memory.:)

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"You're always surprised when it actually lights and you go"


A 1 hour interview with the great man from last year, here -




I'm not sure how the Certified Practicing Accountants of Australia got the scoop, other than the fact Neil's dad was an auditor, but they did.


I wonder whether Mr Gorsky met him at the Pearly Gates?


You know that's a myth I guess?

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I remember the moon landing in 1969.The tension was almost unbearable ,the actual landing and leaving the surface knowing that if the engine did not fire that's where they would stay.I thought it was awesome then and I still think it was awesome now.Never has it been equalled or surpassed in modern science.I asked my grandsons about it and all I got was a shrug of shoulders that represented apathy and disinterest ,ah well guess its me getting old.

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