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How Did You Cope With School Bullies??

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I had a few years being bullied at grammar school.

Always the same group that stayed together and thought it clever to pick on someone whilst knowing their mates were there to back them up.


I should have done this earlier, but one day I just lost it in the playground and hit back.

Thankfully the Sports Master intervined and saved me from a pasting as a crowd appeared shouting "fight, fight".


His solution (to the problem) was to declare that we met the following lunch time in the school Hall/Gymnasium with boxing gloves, and him as the referee.


I didn't sleep much that night and considered faking illness to Mum so as not to attend school the next day.


I decided I had to face it......


So lunch time came and we reported to the Sports Master.

Changed into shorts, boxing gloves and headed for the gymnasium.

The Gym had a balcony for spectators and half the bloody school was there.


Well..I surprised missen, and gave as good as I got.

We both ended up with a few bruises, bloody noses, etc.

At the end we were instucted to shake hands, take a shower, and return to lessons.


The bullying stopped after that.

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I used to hide a lot & stay away from people :( I was a poor kid with geeky glasses. Working class in a middle class school. My Dad was Polish and was often mistaken for a German, so naturally I was greeted with Nazi taunts every day.The only friends I had were my pets. My escape was through reading. I was totally tragic. Then I learnt that if you could make people laugh WITH you and not at you the barriers start to break down. It's so hard being a kid!!!

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Never had the problem...


You`re very lucky. I spent 2 miserable years at City Grammar (65 - 66) being bullied by BOYS. Yes, boys bullying girls, very big of them, before suffering a virtual breakdown and having to move schools. I remember their names, but I bet they dont remember mine

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The art teacher invented a ceramics project he needed my friend and I to make for him to show to a younger class. He gave us some printed instructions. We went to the art room every day. Only seniors were usually allowed in the art room at lunch. We chatted and spun the project out. Then I moved area and went to a new school. Carried on chatting in the art room. And now I'm an artist!

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My uni friend told me his strategy. His school had a swimming pool and he went swimming every lunch time. And he joined lots of groups for people his age outside of school so he had plenty of friends that way. He is the most sociable adult I know and he says he values friends very highly because of his experience at school.

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Hillsbro's got it right really. Clout 'em back. It all came together for me one time when a bullying type of kid charged into me against a wall. He did it again. It bloody hurt. I was in a bad place by now so I hauled off and planted one between the eyes. He, unfortunatly, was wearing glasses, so not only did I give him blackeyes, I smashed his glasses. For this, I got six strokes of the stick. Was it worth it ? You bet your life.

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