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How Did You Cope With School Bullies??

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I just used to hit them on the fist with my face, they soon stopped.:gag:
You hero, you.:hihi::hihi:


Your username reminds me how my mom bullied me every time I was ill.


"Drink this and I'll crack you if you throw up on my rug. Now get it down you in one lad.":gag::gag::gag:

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You`re very lucky. I spent 2 miserable years at City Grammar (65 - 66) being bullied by BOYS. Yes, boys bullying girls, very big of them, before suffering a virtual breakdown and having to move schools. I remember their names, but I bet they dont remember mine


I wish I'd been there for you.

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When i was at school in the sixties i used to be bullied by the "snobs" i wasn't well dressed but clean, and my dad said that if i didn'y go back and hit them he would smack me. So i went and got them all one by one on their way home and i never had touble off them again. Children are so cruel even these days.

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Only one way to stop a bully.......punch him in the nose....they will not do it again. You see most bullies are cowards.


Never a truer word said. Thats exactly what I did, cracked him one right in the face. He never bothered me again, and if I ever see him again I shall crack him again, just to make sure that he knows his place.

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I was bullied to point I was almost sick of the thought of going to school ........My crime for being bullied was being poor ,I dreaded going to school as I knew at 4pm the inevitable would happen ,and then one day something snapped in me and I said its now or never


School ended and there they was waiting for me ,I clenched my fist behind my back and walked up to one of them and punched her so hard she fell over.....I said if you want more I`m here .they all walked away, and the girl in question later became a good friend ,but from then on I never had a problem.Not that I advocate violence but sometimes you had to stand up to them ,once you take the ring leader out the rest think twice..........If they only could see me now,seems I had the last laugh.

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The school I attended Hillfoot County School in the 50s was a little on the rough side to put it mildly,if you couldn,t fight you had to be a good runner.I have done a bit of both in my schooldays you soon found out who the heavy hitters were and either made friends with them or avoided them altogether.Most of the bully boys were older than you and woe betide you if you had some weakness or impediment for they would pick you out for sure.I liked to muck about most of the time making pals laugh mimicking teachers and TV comics like Max Wall,I could take his silly walks off a treat,Nat Jackley was another favourite.Anyway this got me out of one or two confrontations with the bullies simply making them laugh, though not every time then you had to fight or go under and your life would be a misery for ever.This was how I coped I wonder about anybody else on the Forum,what did you do?.:roll::help:


This is how to deal with bullies.....http://youtu.be/mEqniEvNcnk

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