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How Did You Cope With School Bullies??

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Or the teacher was a bully?


You really believe that a 12 year old whose parents hadn't bought him the correct blazer deserved the cane and the associated humiliation???


Or that a kid who has been sent to school with a cold should be dragged from his desk by his ear and made to stand in a corner for sneezing whilst the teacher was talking?


To name but a few.:(


are you gay ? that was the way things were no wonder the kids are like they are nanny state gone mad

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  • 2 months later...
I used to hide a lot & stay away from people :( I was a poor kid with geeky glasses. Working class in a middle class school. My Dad was Polish and was often mistaken for a German, so naturally I was greeted with Nazi taunts every day.The only friends I had were my pets. My escape was through reading. I was totally tragic. Then I learnt that if you could make people laugh WITH you and not at you the barriers start to break down. It's so hard being a kid!!!


Spats, BIG HUG many years too late I expect. What you wrote is so sad, but perhaps your pets were better friends.

Being a kid thesdays isn't so much fun either, Bullying is far worse, schools tend to ignore it or deny it exists and kids have so many new ways to bully.

Wonder if the bullies realise that they can actually destroy lives.:rant:

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I was bullied by a few at school but my method was to suck them in to being over confident and then when i had had enough and the fuse was lit the andrenalin kicked in out they went,they were caught completely by surprize.the **** of the school found this out to his cost when he had two shiners and a dental restructure,but who got the cane yes me six of the best with an ex military teacher who still thought he was fighting the Afrika Korp.

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I found with my kids that bullying usually happened only when the bully had a gang to back them up. They were right tossers when standing alone -course the 'gang' were there out of fear not friendship, no-one wanted to be the next victim.

My oldest son is now 6ft 7in and the 14 yr old is almost 6ft 2 and brown belt in Karate.

My oldest son still gets the crap, bullies now want to push their luck because he's so tall, but now they never try it without thug back-up.


Dunno if we should feel sorry for bullies or just want them locked up.

A good dose of their own medicine does seem to cure them tho, especially if dished out in front of their 'gang'.

Glad you gave em what for!


---------- Post added 10-12-2012 at 13:56 ----------


are you gay ? that was the way things were no wonder the kids are like they are nanny state gone mad


[are you gay ? that was the way things were no wonder the kids are like they are nanny state gone mad]


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Things may have been like that Davebrmm, but it doesn't mean it was right and never will.

No adult should have that kind of power over defenceless kids.

Nothing to do with being 'gay' either.


How many kids did badly at school because of teachers like this? Hard to concentrate on lessons when you're terrified.

My father was a psycho bas*ard and we could get a good beating just for speaking without permission (and I mean a good beating) - many others lived similar lives in those days, does not mean it was right or normal.

If you were able to cope with that kind of environment good for you, many of us were not.

I don't think you need be insulting just because someone else couldn't cope -that is a form of bullying.:mad:

Edited by sammy2
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I was never bullied at Malin Bridge Junior, and when I went to King Ted's I thought it would be the same there. Some hope. As old tup wrote it was usually older and bigger boys, so we went around in small groups. There were a few bullies in my year and Dave Evans was the worst. I'm not normally of a volatile nature but I gave him a black eye - no trouble after that. The teachers were not bullies (with one exception - Wightman) and took a firm line with any obvious bullying.


Did Wightman teach history? I was in form 2(3) in 1956 and I think he took us for that subject. Not a teacher you forget in a hurry.

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  • 2 years later...
Did Wightman teach history? I was in form 2(3) in 1956 and I think he took us for that subject. Not a teacher you forget in a hurry.
Yes, the late Dr Wilfred Eric Wightman taught history. Probably the reason why I got a Grade 8 at 'O' level, then followed this up with a 9..:P
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Bullying is dysfunctional and negative behaviour based on fear, hopefully they will eventually realise this and for their own peace of mind try to lead a positive way of life. All of us suffer from fear, it's the origin of inappropriate anger. Likewise the bullied will also, hopefully, realise and take some comfort from this knowing they have a head start over the bully and move on.


That's what forgiveness is, the act of moving on, going forward, eventually fear will fade away if you keep moving on, a nice place to be!

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