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Childood nostalgia - post your memories

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Ahhh, nostalgia..aint what it used to be. :hihi:

My childhood wouldn't be the same without the sweeties of yore. Mmmm.....

Spangles, Space Dust, Sherbert Dib Dabs. The hightened expectations of what you'd get in your Lucky Bag. Good Times :D

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Childhood memories; one of my most redeeming is, not being surrounded by people who have no idea or concept of fun. Then they feel the need to make everything PC, if I was young again, I'd long for the days of going out at 8am, & coming back when my belly was rumbling.


We'd be out all day, sharing our snap, & pop, from same bottle drinking I add, none of us died as a result, oh happy days. We'd play cowboys and indians, tiggy, we'd go sledging on old bin lids, and bits of plastic sheet, we made our own entertainment.


We'd build dens, when we played footy we always chose our mates, if we were the team captains.


Oh and another thing the PC brigade try to do, is try to depict life in the 50's & 60's and such as such harmonious times, when; we all lived in Shangrila.


No we didn't, life was great as a kid we'd had no worries, trouble is we grow too quickly.

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Absolutely no difference as I can see ruby :)
I wonder if the name depended on what locality you were in? Like further south remembering the French bowman, and in the north remembering the Scottish raiders? :)


As for your #32 post, wasn't it great being a kid when you were allowed to go out all day long and find your own fun without any adults interfering with what you were up to. No mobiles!


We never roamed too far from home but we found plenty of adventures to test our mettle. I guess we tried to make our lives more like Swallows and Amazons, Famous Five and Secret Seven than sitting glued to one spot playing on an X box or whatever. :)

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I wonder if the name depended on what locality you were in? Like further south remembering the French bowman, and in the north remembering the Scottish raiders? :)


As for your #32 post, wasn't it great being a kid when you were allowed to go out all day long and find your own fun without any adults interfering with what you were up to. No mobiles!


We never roamed too far from home but we found plenty of adventures to test our mettle. I guess we tried to make our lives more like Swallows and Amazons, Famous Five and Secret Seven than sitting glued to one spot playing on an X box or whatever. :)


I thought the name was down to locale, and yes Ruby it was brilliant being free spirits, and yes I suppose we had gangs, but never really gave ourselves daft names, perhaps Dave's gang after the eldest :)

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Crawling on hands and knees (short trousers and big wellies) deep into hedgerow bottoms hoping to find the world's biggest spider/centipede/earwig to put in my Swan Vesta matchbox which I had loaded with hawthorn leaves. Purely for frightening my sister with of course.

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Does anyone remember those stockings with a ball in theend and girls banged the ball against the wall? And playing two balls.


yes, I used to play "2-balls" and the game with the tennis ball in the stocking/ tights! (both side to side and up and down)

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Crawling on hands and knees (short trousers and big wellies) deep into hedgerow bottoms hoping to find the world's biggest spider/centipede/earwig to put in my Swan Vesta matchbox which I had loaded with hawthorn leaves. Purely for frightening my sister with of course.


why am I getting a whiff of


"Harry the Spider's coming out party?" lol lol

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why am I getting a whiff of


"Harry the Spider's coming out party?" lol lol

Harry the Spider, Sid the Centipede, Eric the Earwig. All pals of mine back then, and well worth cut knees, ripped pully and/or thick ear.


Toads, slugs and various rodents were just a sideline ........ but just as valid where my sister was concerned.:hihi:

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I think of those long warm summer eveningsso long ago when I was a young kid. You know, at the seaside, just before dusk when you're running around the park with your friends and are hyper on fizzy pop, getting dizzy, laughing and not having a care in the world ... Magic!!

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