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Ceilidh club starting..

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A Ceilidh (pronounced, Kay-lee), is an exciting form of dancing, much like a barn dance, however with a mix of Irish, English and Scottish social dancing.



So, that said... Would you be interested in coming along to a weekly ceilidh night?


Thank you!! :)

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Hi did you have any luck setting one up?


We've not had much luck finding a venue for the ceilidhs as of yet- can you suggest anywhere?! The problem is getting a hall big enough to have a couple of sets that isn't already in use every night!


I'm sure we'll find somewhere though, and would you be interested in joining? :)

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Ooh...I have a fairly terrible sense of rhythm/coordination so might not be appropriate for me if you are "serious" dancers, but I do love a Ceilidh! Where abouts in Sheffield are you looking? :)



It doesn't matter how good your co-ordination is- ceilidh dancing doesn't need a whole lot of co-ordination- in fact, it's often a lot more fun if people have no idea what they're doing! And you'll find that your dancing and what-not will improve with time!


I'm not sure yet where the ceilidhs will be, however we have been looking at Loxley church hall as a possible venue, but if you can suggest anywhere then it would be really useful!



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Are you interested in setting one up or just going to ceilidhs? If you just want to dance, the university has a thriving ceilidh group that welcomes non-students.




The problem with the university ceilidh society is that often the ceilidhs are held in pubs, and the ceilidhs that I'd be running would be for entire families-so children can come along and learn to dance as well. :)

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