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Music licences in public houses.

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Twice in the last eight days I,and most people within half a mile of our local hostelry,have been kept awake by a cocophony of horribleness screamed at us until 5.30AM. Just to make sure that we heard it,the management placed their speakers outside in the carpark.


Please if there are any Licencing Magistrates looking in,would you consider,when permitting all night party music ,where the pub is situated.


This particular one is in a crowded housing estate where people have young children,or have to go to work the next day. I am retired now,but have COPD so have trouble breathing,and need to have my window open all year. So,I am torn between no sleep at all because of the noise,or closing my window and getting no sleep because I cannot breath.


Rant over,but the plea is,I think, a valid one,and I would be interested to hear other's views.

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Surely it comes under the same rules as any other 'noise nuisance'. Even if it was a private residence. Report it to the council! If you've got neighbours get them to do it as well. The more complaints they get the more likely they are to do something about it!

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The area is East Bank Rd 'ish'.


I know that they had permission because when I called 101,the people who responded went round and found out.


We have had this ongoing problem since the new management was installed and I have complained to the local constabulary and the brewery,but I feel that the problem lies with whoever granted a license in the first place.


You can bet your bottom dollar that they do not live anywhere near the said premises.

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This is unusual because fairly strict conditions are placed when entertainment licenses are issued.


that's what I was getting at. I doubt they have permission to place the speakers in the carpark and blast out til all hours

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During week days, you have to turn all music down by 11pm, Weekends (Friday nights, and Saturday nights) it's 1am... if it's a residential area...


Bank Holidays and other Public Holidays is often midnight, but lots of places push it to 1am...


If it's outside these hours, you're best calling 101 and reporting it as you did...

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During week days, you have to turn all music down by 11pm, Weekends (Friday nights, and Saturday nights) it's 1am... if it's a residential area...


Bank Holidays and other Public Holidays is often midnight, but lots of places push it to 1am...


If it's outside these hours, you're best calling 101 and reporting it as you did...


All of these timings are guides. The actual hours will be set by whichever licence is in force at the time. One city centre venue I've worked for is not allowed any music outdoors at any time, but has had temporary event licences allowing it until 10pm, 10.30pm and 11pm, seemingly on a random basis.


Any queries should be addressed to the council licensing dept, as they know what the pub in question is permitted to do.

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