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Virgin Trains to take legal action

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It will be interesting to see which rolling stock First use and how much their increase prices to pay for their bid.


They will be using exactly the same Pendolinos and Voyagers as currently used by Virgin.


The 11 additional new trains are rumoured to be additional Pendolinos, and were offered to all the bidders for the franchise.

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I do not understand what grounds the action is being brought over? The franchising system is an established process and Virgin were happy to play the game when they thought they would win. Their PR seeking waffle is becomig irritating. Although not as irritating as the thoroughly irksome Maria Eagle jumping on the red and white bandwagon and saying that the process should be looked at and debated in Parliament. What on earth MPs have to do with the awarding of franchises on the railway is anyones guess.

First have won the bid, they have promised to find ways to increase custom from the paltry 35% capacity which is what the trains currently run at on average and I for one expect them to achieve it. Toot toot and farewell Beardo

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I do not understand what grounds the action is being brought over? The franchising system is an established process and Virgin were happy to play the game when they thought they would win. Their PR seeking waffle is becomig irritating. Although not as irritating as the thoroughly irksome Maria Eagle jumping on the red and white bandwagon and saying that the process should be looked at and debated in Parliament. What on earth MPs have to do with the awarding of franchises on the railway is anyones guess.

First have won the bid, they have promised to find ways to increase custom from the paltry 35% capacity which is what the trains currently run at on average and I for one expect them to achieve it. Toot toot and farewell Beardo


Me either, Branson obviously feels he's been hard done by by getting the boot but I think there's a bit more to it than that.

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I used to respect him , but no sympathy now for Beardy , given that his next venture is to "cherry-pick" those parts of the NHS that produce most profit , ie the private healthcare market . Is nothing beyond bounds in the bid to make money ?


Would any other failed bidder have access to politicians to state their case ?


Virgin as a brand - all style and no substance ?

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Sour grapes make bad whine, just SRB blowing more hot air about something detrimental to his own self intrest and as always it's thinly disguised as him been the people's champion.


Take his endless rants about IAG's recent purchase of BMI, nothing but moan moan moan, but of course Virgin Atlantic where never in a position to buy BMI themselves. A case of if we can't buy them, then we don't want anyone else to buy them either.


Branson the people's champion, nah more like a bad loser.

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I reckon a few of you have been following the West Coast Mainline saga and the decision to not award the franchise to Virgin Trains. Now there's a new twist. So what do you people think?




West Coast Mainline say they can increase passenger numbers by ten per cent every year. All the experts that I have heard say this is impossible.

Tories say they have done the 'sums' and they all add up. But as everything the Tories have 'added up' in the last two years have been wrong these are more than likely to be wrong as well.

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