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Last Laugh Comedy @ Lescar this Thurs 30 Aug 8pm


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The Last Laugh Comedy Club returns to the Lescar this Thursday with a cracking end of month bill of comedy. Dave Twentyman hosts a Dave Longley & Martin Beaumont.


Date – Thurs 30 Aug – Doors 8pm

Venue – Lescar, Sharrowvale Rd

Tickets - £8 http://www.wegottickets.com/sheffieldcomedy



Effortlessly funny and quick on his feet, Dave Twentyman endears himself to the toughest of audiences as an act or compere. Dave is like an over enthusiastic 10 year old that had too much pop and crisps. Though underpinning this bundle of happiness lays a sharp comedy mind which can play any type of crowd to a muddy festival to his Nan’s nursing home.


"Very funny, lovely young man" XFM Manchester

"Twentyman took the show by the horns & did an amazing job, give that man a medal"

The Comedy Club Hahaheehee

"He deflects the heckles with wit as well as making sure the acts get a rousing reception"Lancashire Life Magazine

"Fantastic & Friendly" The Northern Echo



Dave returns after another very successful run at this year’s Edinburgh Festival.


Cutting edge comedy from a newcomer making massive waves on the UK comedy circuit. His thought provoking, yet accessible material and style takes tricky issues to any audience. He also does knob gags. From sell out critically acclaimed Edinburgh Fringe shows to the UK and International comedy scene, Dave is very much in demand.


"Newcomer Longley has the makings of a uniquely fascinating act."- Chortle

"There's a lot of stuff Dave does that I wish I'd written." – Ed Byrne

“highly original and bloody funny.” – Three Weeks

"Clever and funny" – Gill Isles, BBC Comedy Unit



It was in 1995 he turned professional comedian which was something he always wanted to do. In 1998 he won Time Out Comedian of the year and his comedy career took off from there. Successful shows in Edinburgh in 2001 and 2002 followed which in turn led to appearances on the BBC’s ‘Stand up Show’ and the long running ‘Jongleurs Unleashed’ for the Paramount Comedy Channel. In 2005 he was asked to write and perform in BBC2’s Comedy Nation, a series that ran for two years. As a writer one of his plays ‘White Van Man’ was nominated for a Fringe First at the Edinburgh festival. Just jokes, stories and laugh out loud comedy.


“Hard to fault his performance” Chortle

“Very Funny” The Sun

“Wealth of Experience” The Scotsman

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