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Nick Clegg demands emergency tax on Britain's wealthiest

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How did Clegg vote on the reduction of the 50p tax. (for those on over 150k)?


Why I do believe he supported the budget!


It's very depressing when any given policy from the Lib Dem's lacks credibility. We do need a strong credible 3rd party but Clegg's actions have had the effect of removing that option.

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Even if it did, the net effect would simply be to drive still further wealthy people away and/or engage in further tax efficiency planning. Just like Hollande's budget did in France earlier this month. The winners, as usual, will be the legal/financial advisers.


Why would it, it just an empty threat as everyone knows.

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Surely you are not so gullible as to still fall for the nonsense about how we need the wealthy and they will all leave the country. :hihi:


If you would care to do some research you will find that more wealthy people have left the country in the last year than ever before, even though Ozzy has given them a massive tax cut, paid for by the rest of us.


That's about the size of it. I think people are just fed up of Clegg and we all know nothing will just fizzle out anyway. it's the silly season in politics and people are just saying anything to get their ugly mug in the papers.

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Even if it did, the net effect would simply be to drive still further wealthy people away and/or engage in further tax efficiency planning. Just like Hollande's budget did in France earlier this month. The winners, as usual, will be the legal/financial advisers.


This is the same argument people were using against the bankers. Fear that the ultra rich or the banks themselves would sell up and move abroad. So let them!

Let's see which country they would move to better then this tax haven for the rich.

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Why are some of the wealthy from France coming to live over here after Hollande did exactly what Clegg is proposing? Do you think it's the weather that's attracted them?


But that's France and there might be other issues involved. Besides, why do the British go and live in other parts of the world? We've been through all this before anyway.

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But that's France and there might be other issues involved. Besides, why do the British go and live in other parts of the world?


Do you reckon the higher taxes there aren't responsible for the French leaving? Why don't you think it'd happen here?

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Do you reckon the higher taxes there aren't responsible for the French leaving? Why don't you think it'd happen here?


Well, let's do it then and find out if they leave. If they do leave that's fine by me, people say the country is overcrowded anyway.

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