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Nick Clegg demands emergency tax on Britain's wealthiest

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I remember a time (Labour in charge and Wilson as PM) when the high rate of tax was 19 shilling to every pound and the Beatles wrote a song "Taxman" about it. That tax in today's currency would be around 95%. The effect of that high taxation meant that lots of high earners then moved abroad.




Well it would ease UK overcrowding then wouldn't it, which I am reliably informed by some members of this forum, is the biggest problem faced by the UK.





Mecky, is this a serious post or are you just being sarcastic? It's difficult to tell these days. You, Wendy and ricgem seem to be getting more desperate by the minute.


You're (pl) all angry aren't you, that there haven't been any riots this summer. You need them to happen. Because 'we all know it's going to happen'. Admit it, because we all know it. We all know, you were going to be drinking beer and celebrating and wanking over rioting because you think it would make you right. :hihi:


They will happen, 'as we all know'.


Yet it seems like you and Poirot (ricgem:hihi::hihi:), don't seem to be getting things right. Poirot even got the last thread closed due to his/her delusions toward reality:hihi::hihi:



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I don't consider your version of prevarication and ducking the issue acceptable so that's two questions you refuse to answer so far. As I've not even esposed my views on taxation, you cannot really make your claims above but I've come to expect nothing better from you sadly.


So does that mean you're not going to answer ricgem2002's question?


And BTW, I can keep this up longer than you can.

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Ummmm..from the title of the thread "Nick Clegg demands...."


Since when has he been in a position to 'demand' anything?....it's all smoke and mirrors...it'll die a death, the same as his pledge to not increase tuition fees etc...


He's only putting up with where he is in government, because he knows it will be his one and only shot at being anywhere near government.


I suppose that it's a good thing that people are debating policy on a Nick Clegg thread.


However, as can be seen by the replies to this thread, what Clegg was suggesting is unacceptable to the Conservatives, who just so happen to be his partners in the coalition. As the Conservatives are the senior partners in the coalition Clegg's suggestion is a blatant non-starter.


As to the suggestion that this is about buttering up his own party ahead of the conference season, surely even the Liberal Democrats must be able to see that this is all just a load of hot air from Clegg?

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Can't see it happening Stoat, not with the tories in government. It would probably end up costing them votes if they increased the tax on those who can afford to pay more.


I'm not sure that such a policy would cost the Lib Dems votes. Might help keep a few of their voters from deserting them. The sort of people who voted for them when they were all in favour of higher taxes for the rich.


The trouble is that their track record in government shows that a promise such as this from the Lib Dem's lacks credibility.


It's not that easy for Labour to make such a promise and make it credible either.

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I'm not sure that such a policy would cost the Lib Dems votes. Might help keep a few of their voters from deserting them. The sort of people who voted for them when they were all in favour of higher taxes for the rich.


The trouble is that their track record in government shows that a promise such as this from the Lib Dem's lacks credibility.


It's not that easy for Labour to make such a promise and make it credible either.


The Libs are just along for the taxi ride and can't make any difference

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So does that mean you're not going to answer ricgem2002's question?


And BTW, I can keep this up longer than you can.


Quid pro quo old chap - you answer a question, I answer one. since you haven't answered and have ducked the issue yet again then I'm afraid Ricgem will have to wait till you do.


As for you keeping it up longer than me - how old are you? It's as bad as my dad is bigger than yours etc..



Now if you are going to make a sincere effort at responding, please do. Until then I'm afraid you won't get a sincere response from me.

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Why didn't Clegg negotiate this into the terms of the coalition?

Smarmy Dave and Gideon will be laughing their heads off.

Conference season around the corner by any chance and disgruntled membership to appease?



The Tories have been laughing since “ I will be your lapdog Clegg” let them into number 10.


Sorry Nick the horse has bolted and you're a dead man walking.



How comes anyone with a ounce of sense could see this from day one …………. Well anyone bar Clegg.

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