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UK women going to USA to choose sex of baby

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I'm not saying people shouldn't do it, but I wonder if they have high expectations for their future child.

It seems a shame and a waste if the embryos of the 'incorrect' gender are just discarded, perhaps they could be given to couples who have difficulty conceiving?

I'm not overly informed on the process, but isn't it possible to determine which sperm are X and which are Y and do it that way?

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An opportunity missed by the NHS to make some money, money that could then have been used to help others.
Stupid idea! That's not what the NHS is for, and besides, it won't help anyone! The ratio's been set at 50% for very good evolutionary reasons over the last few million years, and you remain ignorant of that at your peril. How, exactly, is it good to create an over-population of men, some, or many, of whom will not be able to find a partner unless they happen to be gay? It's a recipe for disaster and social disharmony. Your suggestion has got to be the most crass thing I've heard for ages! :loopy:
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Stupid idea! That's not what the NHS is for, and besides, it won't help anyone! The ratio's been set at 50% for very good evolutionary reasons over the last few million years, and you remain ignorant of that at your peril. How, exactly, is it good to create an over-population of men, some, or many, of whom will not be able to find a partner unless they happen to be gay? It's a recipe for disaster and social disharmony. Your suggestion has got to be the most crass thing I've heard for ages! :loopy:


The planet is over populated so a bit of an imbalance won’t do any harm, but I doubt the few wealthy people that would pay for this service would even cause an imbalance, some that have girls already would choose a boy and the ones with boys would choose a girl. The NHS would make some money that can be spent on extra nurses or whatever they are short of.


I'm one for giving people the choice, what someone wants to do with their body should always be their choice.

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I'm kind of torn on gender selection. I suppose I'd rather allow nature to take it course. I'm one of three girls, my husband has three sisters. When our son was born, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I really was expecting another girl.


I have neighbors who have three boys and they adopted a little girl from Korea. Boy. Is she spoiled. :hihi:


As usual, a few always take it too far but it's human nature to want what one wants and use whatever means to attain it.

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The planet is over populated so a bit of an imbalance won’t do any harm, but I doubt the few wealthy people that would pay for this service would even cause an imbalance, some that have girls already would choose a boy and the ones with boys would choose a girl. The NHS would make some money that can be spent on extra nurses or whatever they are short of.


I'm one for giving people the choice, what someone wants to do with their body should always be their choice.

Firstly, I wasn't talking about their body! Secondly, you don't think that an imbalance between the sexes would do any harm? Thirdly, this is nothing to do with the NHS. Sex selection can only be justified as part of the NHS's remit when it is related to sex-linked genetic disease. It is not a health issue otherwise, and never will be! Leave the running of the NHS to people who know what they're talking about and who have enough common sense to define policy.
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I'm kind of torn on gender selection. I suppose I'd rather allow nature to take it course. I'm one of three girls, my husband has three sisters. When our son was born, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I really was expecting another girl.


I have neighbors who have three boys and they adopted a little girl from Korea. Boy. Is she spoiled. :hihi:


As usual, a few always take it too far but it's human nature to want what one wants and use whatever means to attain it.

It's human nature to do a lot of bad things. Should we allow them to be done?
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People choose names schools diets and many other aspects of a childs life,so why not select gender.I have three sons and if I could choose I would go for three girls.
I bet they'd be chuffed to bits to hear you say that, you loving parent, you! Better make sure they never discover your username, hey!
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If you can only afford to have four children, say, and the first three were all the same sex, I could understand the parents watching to be able to choose the sex of the fourth and last child.


Imagine, if you already had three boys/girls, and then got another one. That does happen a lot, in some families only one sex come to term. In that sort of circumstance, why shouldn't people have the right to choose? Or gender specific inherited conditions, as another example.


I don't think it should be allowed where one sex is favoured over another for cultural reasons. You could end up in some countries, Pakistan and China say, where there would be a massive over supply of men. What on earth would happen then?

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