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UK women going to USA to choose sex of baby

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I'm not saying people shouldn't do it, but I wonder if they have high expectations for their future child.

It seems a shame and a waste if the embryos of the 'incorrect' gender are just discarded, perhaps they could be given to couples who have difficulty conceiving?

I'm not overly informed on the process, but isn't it possible to determine which sperm are X and which are Y and do it that way?


I think in the case of IVF where several embryos are created and it's likely some will be discarded anyway, sex selection probably doesn't matter, it's not the same as having a termination of a single fetus because of it's sex.


I don't know why multiply embryos are created during IVF (maximise chances of success?), and I don't know if this is even possible, but IMO if any selection can be done it should be the fittest and healthiest embryos given the chance of life.

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No it doesn't. They might be, of course, but it's doubtful. Babies bring their own love with them, in the old saying! :) It's natural that many women want to have a daughter, and most men want to have a son. But it's often when talking to people who have two children of the same sex, they want one of the other sex, but are loathe to keep trying in case they get another boy or girl, purely down to time and money constraints.


In those cases, who could object to them using whatever methods are available to choose the desired sex? Haven't some 'celebs' used types of natural selection methods?


ETA: just noticed a typo in my op, 'wanting' not 'watching;, of course. :)


As a father of two boys, I know my partner would like a girl, I would to, but we have absolutely no compulsion to have another child to try get a girl for the sake of it, and if we were loathed to get another boy, we certainly wouldn't try for another child.


Going through IVF for no reason other than using it as an enabler for sex selection takes it to another level and would make a mockery of people going through IVF for medical reasons.

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After reading the article I don't understand why a family would go through a fertility clinic just so they can "balance" their family, why does it really matter so much to have at least one of each sex? Why go to those lengths and expense when other women are not fortunate to have any? Surely if you want a child, the sex of it should not matter. It all sounds quite desperate.

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My first pregnancy I lost twins at 32 wks, both was boys. Second pregnancy lost non identical twin at 4 mths pregnant carried other twin to full term and now he will be 22 in a couple of weeks. Had an eptopic pregnancy, after that I had my last son. I have never urged for another child, to have a girl. I am thankful for two wonderful sons but I know if I couldn't carry a certain sex due medical problems I would choose a sex of a child. The feeling of being told you couldn't be a mum is heartbreaking. I would try everything I could to be a mum. 1 at least the child would be wanted. 2 if that didn't work adoption, but if you had the means I wouldn't judge. The doctors said I wouldn't carry boys but I did. Get told you can't have, you want it more and more. Saying all that I just wanted to be a mum to a girl or boy.

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I have two boys, the second one I was hoping for a girl but was glad it wasn't great playmate for my first son


Also I cannot think of anything worse than a young version of myself growing more and more beautiful as I become older

(Just kidding everyone):D

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I can understand the parents who go in got pre-implantation gender selection IVF, if they are looking to screen out embryos which carry a sex-related condition (such as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which is generally a male-only condition).


However, if there isn't an issue like this with the embryo, I think people should be thankful for their healthy child, whatever gender s/he is.

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Why not, you seem to advocate dictating the gender of another body.


No I don't, I advocate giving parents the choice, and it is for them to decide when and if to have a baby and if possible the sex of the baby. When and if it becomes possible it’s also for them to decide other attributes that are desirable.

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