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56.7% of birth in London to foreign mums

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If you moved to a foreign country with a foreign culture and people - would you wish to preserve their culture and look after their elderly.


Or would you prefer to makes as much money as possible and raise your own family/return to your roots and raise a family.


The problem we have cannot be solved by immigration.


Well some people like foreign students do return to their countries of origin. Some people choose to settle here. Of those that do settle here, some as you say pass on their language to their kids - but their kids also learn English and nothing wrong with being bi lingual..

Also people have different priorities, lots of people don't want to make lots of money - lots of immigrants in 50s 60s worked on undergroung, health service & in factories. Also there are plenty of British Peopel that make lots of money in England and go & live in France & Tuscany for exmaple.

How do we encourage more English people to have kids, if you accept that we have a demographic problem?

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I think people are forgetting that Britain is an aging population with lots of older people, living longer. Which is obviously a good thing. However, more elderly people and fewer youngsters would mean less people paying into the system to look after people to old or infirm to look after ourselves.

For a variety of cultural/social reasons people are not having as many kids as they used to; so British children born to parents who themselves not born in England isn't an issue as they will help to ease potential problems in the future.


Increasing the population just to serve the needs of the elderly creates a bigger problem for the future, because all these people will one day be old and will want the same care. The aging population problem needs to be solved without increasing the population.

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I'm not saying the result would be morally right but if we are democrats we have to accept that most people are basically sick of immigration and are reactionary/racist depending on your point of view.


Well put Mr Prime, I understand your point, but in the final analysis the electorate has consistently voted from a less than reactionary standpoint and parties with a focus on an anti immigration agenda perform poorly at the ballot box.


I think most of us are sick of the negative aspects of immigration, however they're superseded by the positive ones, as I said before for every good thing there are negative aspects to it..I'd love to own a Ferrari, but would moan bitterly about the fuel and maintenance costs, but it doesn't affect my desire to take ownership of one.

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Such a woolly definition of 'foreign' in that piece (typical Daily Mail alarmist reporting, not making it clear what their point is).


Is a legitimate immigrant who has applied for citizenship 'foreign'? How about that woman's children when they come round to having their own children?


Alarmist claptrap.



No matter what definition of "foreign" is used, the face of this country has been changed forever, thanks to Townie Bliar and NEW LIEbour's policy of multiculturism.


As for alarmist claptrap rephrase to "simply FACT"



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No matter what definition of "foreign" is used, the face of this country has been changed forever, thanks to Townie Bliar and NEW LIEbour's policy of multiculturism.


As for alarmist claptrap rephrase to "simply FACT"




The 'face of this country' has been in a perpetual state of change, crikey it's not as if all the indigenous British folks look the same is it?!

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Well put Mr Prime, I understand your point, but in the final analysis the electorate has consistently voted from a less than reactionary standpoint and parties with a focus on an anti immigration agenda perform poorly at the ballot box.


I think most of us are sick of the negative aspects of immigration, however they're superseded by the positive ones, as I said before for every good thing there are negative aspects to it..I'd love to own a Ferrari, but would moan bitterly about the fuel and maintenance costs, but it doesn't affect my desire to take ownership of one.

I think most of us are sick of the negative aspects of immigration-yes agree

however they're superseded by the positive ones-such as ???

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How do we encourage more English people to have kids, if you accept that we have a demographic problem?


Affordable housing for children born and bred here - whose family lives here.


That also counts fairly new immigrants, now.


Cash incentives, tax incentives.


If they are going to load your children with debt so that they can get an education - only fair to give them a help raising them to the age upon which they can be forced into said debt and taxed heavily afterwards.

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