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56.7% of birth in London to foreign mums

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The reality is there are immigrants who are milking and abusing the system. They are pleased to do so. They can't believe their luck. They are giving a bad name to the immigrants who came here, work hard, try to better themselves.

Unfortunately that is a reality, however there are native Brits (black & white) who also milk and abuse the system and can't believe their luck due only to the fortuity of where their mothers spread her legs and spat them out-NO ONE should be in a position to abuse the system, workshy Brits have no more reason to do so than workshy immigrants.


Its not right, its not fair and by not acknowledging or speaking about it you aren't helping. Objectivity is the only way to resolve anything.

I do acknowledge it and have done so numerous times on this forum, however what I will not do is join in the common hunting game of demonising ALL immigrants and immigration out of hand, I did in fact acknowledge this in my response to Mr Prime, who I was enjoying a perfectly cordial range of dialogue with, even though we fundamentally disagreed with each other's point of view.


This is a thread about the births to foreign mothers in the UK, and it's turned into another immigrant bashing thread, yet we know nothing of the status of these mothers, how long they've lived here or how much they've contributed to the system-my foreign born GP example was intended to show the flipside to the slant put on the article by the Daily Mail.


As you point out there are many immigrants who come here to work and study, they contribute and assimilate quite happily into the society around them. But they're the invisible ones, because they're not seen as 'immigrants', yet they make up the overwhelming majority.


The illegals, system abusers and criminals should have their privileges rescinded and deported where appropriate..this has always been my position.

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Child benefit is peanuts. Of course the government can afford to do this.

If the parent is working why on earth shouldn't they get the same benefit as anyone else?

Because their kids are not in the country, the checks the government do aren't even worthy.. The romanians were taking advantage of this, you remember reading about this a few years ago?... Anyhow the amount this single dad would pay in tax would not cover the amount our government shells out to family's living abroad

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It's not racist to say you have a concern on immigration boyfriday.. This island of ours is literally sinking


Eh? I don't recall ever saying it was.


EDIT: Oh I get it now, you're one of them rebranded, all new and shiny troll thingies!

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