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Graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms

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Yes some graduates have to move back home. Not how they imagined the future to be when they applied for Uni, but they've got parents who are prepared to look after them.

This social group are at least being recognised by the media and journalists who can empathise with their 'plight'.

My mate is in his early 50s, working class guy, he's never been to Uni. For the last 10 years he's had to live at home with his ill and bed bound mother and look after her 24/7, saving the taxpayer an absolute fortune. I don't suppose he and the thousands like him want sympathy....but an acknowledgement would be appreciated

EDIT And before someone says do I help out, the aswer is yes I do when I can

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I don't know many people who live in their parents homes and yet I hear constantly (in the media) that this is pretty much the case for ALL 20 somethings. Is it just the people I know that dont?


The handful of people I know that live at home do it because it benefits them greatly, obviously not eveyone's situation is such but for them they live rent free, no bills, food made , washing done whilst they save for a deposit on a house or spend their income on other things they want. And the parents are happy to subsidise this lifestyle, more fool them I would think but it's their money and their choice.


I did know the odd one or two that felt so entitled because they got a degree they refused to do any work they saw as beneath them and were forced to live with parents but again that's a choice they made. Don't know what happened to them eventually as I choose not to associate with this type of person.


I have never ever had a problem finding accomodation (although not always perfect) and I'm in no special circumstance so I'm always mystified as to why so many people apparently do. I checked again today in case something amazing had happened since I found my current accomodation in May but no there are still plenty of rooms available to rent accross Sheffield.


Sounds similar to what my kids and their friends did nearly 20 years ago, sharing a flat or house, and it was what they expected. They didn't expect to be able to afford to live independently immediately they got work, nor did they want the responsibility of their own home. :roll: At that age they were looking to build their careers; have fun; travel and have a social life. They came home in between, but never for long. :o

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Well boo hoo to the graduates.


Its a tough cruel world and nobody gives a toss about anybody. I don't see why having a degree means we should all take turns to wipe the tears off their cheeks and hand them a tenner. Almost nobody gets what they want, everyone gets crapped on. Why should graduates be any different?


At least they have a roof over their head its more than most people do. Most of the world exists on less than a handful of rice a day and dies before it reaches its 30's of stuff like diarrhea and cholera.


So what if you don't get the job you always wanted straight away? So what if you don't get a massive house immediately? I'm tired of people whining. Maybe they could take a gap year. A gap from what? Getting drunk and lectures first thing in the afternoon and rutting senselessly with people called Izzy? I can see how you'd be exhausted after 3 years of that.


Oh dear.

You sound rather bitter and ........jealous dare I say ?

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It was never uncommon for graduates to move back home when they graduated.

What was uncommon was for them to stay long. Most graduates are prepared to look for work wherever it is, so (a decade and a bit ago) when I graduated people moved back home, and 2 or 3 or 6 months later they moved out and rented close to wherever they were starting their graduate career.

The level of unemployment means that that can be 2, 3 or 6 years now, which is the big change from how it used to work.

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