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My wedding didn't happen. My grandma died the evening before.

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Well two weeks ago I should have become Mrs Edwards. A week before the date, my grandma went into hospital. At this point we knew she would be unable to attend. Obviously we were devastated, but pushed on with plans as she insisted, and we planned to go up to the hospital in our wedding gear in the lull between the breakfast and evening party.


The day before (16th August) we were told things were bad, and to expect the worse, and soon. She passed away at 10.30pm the evening before my wedding day. She laughed and joked until an hour before she died and never knew we'd cancelled, which I am so glad about.


We should have been in Scotland for a week followed by a week in Germany, and on the insistence of the family still went to Scotland, and came back just before the funeral.


We want to get married as soon as possible but having lost close to £3000 (some suppliers have been excellent, others very much less so) we are giving the whole thing a while to settle in before trying to make any plans.


I just understand so very little about what has happened-I was preparing my grandma's eulogy when I should have been on a train to Vienna. Feeling very, very raw at the moment. In the last few weeks my favourite cat died, I found out my boss was a conman and consequently am owed £1000 and don't have a job, and then this. I am at the end of my tether.


I'm not even sure why I'm posting this, other than I know a couple of people on here will be waiting for me to update on how the day went-and I don't have a wedding day to relate back to them. Cancelling was the right decision, and I know we'll pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off soon.


I have taken from this though the realisation of truly how wonderful and strong my family is, and how lucky I am to have my fiancé. Whether I am his wife or not, I am the luckiest girl in the whole world. My grandma loved him, and so do I :)

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Thank you. We haven't lost EVERYTHING yet. Some suppliers have put things on hold-but only if we rearrange in the next year. Hopefully we do so otherwise that'll be six grand gone :o


Well you should do it within the year hun, i'm sure your nan would want you to be married, and i believe that she'll be right buy your side when you do!


Just a little thing i remember a friend of mine done, when her granny died she has a picture of her in her flowers so she was centre of the wedding, just a thought!

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My word this isn't what I expected to read. I can't imagine for one moment your loss and the knock on effect it has had.


Take some time to sort out what needs sorting and if you need help with any arrangements in the weeks or months ahead do post a thread. I'm sure suppliers who read this page will be willing to help under the circumstances.

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Bless ya hun my heart goes out to you but I'm sure that your grandma would want you to still have an amazing day and I'm sure that she will be looking down on you from afar. Sorry to hear that some suppliers have let you down given the circumstances. Give yourself some time to grieve and then re-plan everything and go ahead with it. You can honour your grandma with a memory tree - they are a lovely way of having relatives that have passed with you on the day as you can have photographs of them too. Good luck. xxx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you everyone. My aunty and mum phoned last night to say they want to give us some of her insurance money towards the new wedding-not sure whether to accept yet but my god it's buoyed me up to know I have such a wonderful family. Although it won't cover everything we lost it will go a long way in helping! Some lovely ideas of how to remember my grandma on the day-so thank you for that :)


Yuck at planning ANOTHER wedding though-going to have to go through RSVP hell all over again :help:

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LitleMermaid i'm so sorry i was tears reading this its touched a real nerve

with me i'm so sorry for your loss times a great healer :confused:

i don't know it this will help i don't know if you have been able to rearrange

your cake but i will do you one at cost what it will cost me to buy the stuff

in if it helps i don't mind i will help anyone out that needs it especially in this situation

hope i haven't upset you going on about a cake at this sad time i just didn't know what

else to say but sorry :(:cry:

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Sorry for your loss. Such a difficult set of emotions to deal with. I lost my father on the 3rd of June and was married on the 21st of July. There was just enough time between the two dates to be be able to mourn properly - thanks in part to a great funeral - and to enjoy the wedding as the wonderful occasion it was,ackowleding the loss but taking a step into the future and with the knowledge that Dad very much approved of my bride.

Best wishes for your wedding.

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