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Honest Exam Results - At Last!

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The whinging teachers, people who left school to go back to school, and with all the life experience of ....... er, a school kid, come out in force after a twenty years delivering dumbed down exams that gave everyone an inflated grade, unrealistic expectations and made a university place available to people who should have been butchers, bakers and candlestick makers, if there were any jobs. There aren‘t. So keep the numbers down for 4 years and pack off the unemployed to uni . At last we get fair marking that shows not everyone is A star and what do they do? Scream, shout, whinge from the roof tops. Very mature response. The kind of behaviour they've been handing out detentions for. If anyone needs locking up it's the teachers!


Well, well, little Mary has a ‘D’ and not a ‘C’ - big deal. May be little Mary should have been reading books instead of texting garbage. And if the teachers had enforved some discipline instead of wanting to their best friend maybe this wouldn't have happened.


We've had years of useless exams where grades have gone lower and lower - you literally can't fail! G grades are counted as a pass! % as low as 25 get you a pass. And throughout all that time the teachers have lapped it up and basked in the praise of raising standards year upon year. False praise matched by the false hope they engendered in their pupils who we know were unemployable as they can't read or write and certainly can't speak and get by on som e form of 'txt.' speak.


The whole exam system needs to be returned to a testing of knowledge and not a collection of 20 drawings, 8 photos, 3 DVDs and 130 words that they call course work. And that’s in Maths!


Everyone can go to university. Yeah, like everyone can walk on the moon.


At last we see sense and the modern day parents can’t take it neither can the ‘be my best friend’ teachers.

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Got to agree with you here. And I don't really see any basis for teachers saying it's unfair that the grade boundaries were changed halfway through the academic year - if they had changed them at the end of the academic year we would have had the same moaning from people saying they should have taken them this year instead of next year, and so on.


I really don't know what the world is coming to when you can threaten legal action because one of your pupils got a D rather than a C.

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Got to agree with you here. And I don't really see any basis for teachers saying it's unfair that the grade boundaries were changed halfway through the academic year - if they had changed them at the end of the academic year we would have had the same moaning from people saying they should have taken them this year instead of next year, and so on.


I really don't know what the world is coming to when you can threaten legal action because one of your pupils got a D rather than a C.


I believe a child works for the grade they deserve, if they get a D they deserved a D. I hate the idea that it is someone else's fault. I dislike the blame culture.


Education does not stand a chance with Gove leading them, this is a script taken from the Commons education select committee, this time exposing the education secretary Michael Gove's problems with understanding averages.


Chair: Secretary of State, we are moving to a novel, new section: quick fire questions and answers, inspired by the Twitter feed #askgove-5,000-plus wanting to interact with you. So we are going to go round each of us in fairly strict timing. If you could give us quick answers, that would be great.


Michael Gove: I will try my best.


Chair: One is: if "good" requires pupil performance to exceed the national average, and if all schools must be good, how is this mathematically possible?


Michael Gove: By getting better all the time.


Chair: So it is possible, is it?


Michael Gove: It is possible to get better all the time.


Chair: Were you better at literacy than numeracy, Secretary of State?


Michael Gove: I cannot remember

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Guest makapaka
The whinging teachers, people who left school to go back to school, and with all the life experience of ....... er, a school kid, come out in force after a twenty years delivering dumbed down exams that gave everyone an inflated grade, unrealistic expectations and made a university place available to people who should have been butchers, bakers and candlestick makers, if there were any jobs. There aren‘t. So keep the numbers down for 4 years and pack off the unemployed to uni . At last we get fair marking that shows not everyone is A star and what do they do? Scream, shout, whinge from the roof tops. Very mature response. The kind of behaviour they've been handing out detentions for. If anyone needs locking up it's the teachers!


Well, well, little Mary has a ‘D’ and not a ‘C’ - big deal. May be little Mary should have been reading books instead of texting garbage. And if the teachers had enforved some discipline instead of wanting to their best friend maybe this wouldn't have happened.


We've had years of useless exams where grades have gone lower and lower - you literally can't fail! G grades are counted as a pass! % as low as 25 get you a pass. And throughout all that time the teachers have lapped it up and basked in the praise of raising standards year upon year. False praise matched by the false hope they engendered in their pupils who we know were unemployable as they can't read or write and certainly can't speak and get by on som e form of 'txt.' speak.


The whole exam system needs to be returned to a testing of knowledge and not a collection of 20 drawings, 8 photos, 3 DVDs and 130 words that they call course work. And that’s in Maths!


Everyone can go to university. Yeah, like everyone can walk on the moon.


At last we see sense and the modern day parents can’t take it neither can the ‘be my best friend’ teachers.


Didn't read most of your rant but got the basic premise.


They're probably upset for a reason along the lines of (and the example i use could apply to any number of professions but i'll use a salesperson as an example);




Jan 1st - If you sell £50k between Jan-Dec you will have satisfied your role as a salesperson. All you need to worry about is getting to £50k and that's you done.



December 31st - You managed the £50k but we've decided it should have been £60k so you've failed. Please improve.


= Unhappy salesperson

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Didn't read most of your rant so unlike you and your special psychic abilty I haven't got the premis basic or otherwise. So I actually can't comment as I haven't read it. I have this odd attitude that holds me back. I like to understand something having read it in its entirity before I make a judgement. That's why they call judges 'Judges'. Sit - listen - read - consider - Judgement.


Strange but true.


Summation: apples are like bricks - now comment:

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Guest makapaka
Didn't read most of your rant so unlike you and your special psychic abilty I haven't got the premis basic or otherwise. So I actually can't comment as I haven't read it. I have this odd attitude that holds me back. I like to understand something having read it in its entirity before I make a judgement. That's why they call judges 'Judges'. Sit - listen - read - consider - Judgement.


Strange but true.


Summation: apples are like bricks - now comment:


It was obvious, but i've now read the detail and it's exactly what I thought - sweeping generalisations like "kids not reading books and texting garbage","a university place available to people who should have been butchers, bakers and candlestick makers" "20 drawings, 8 photos, 3 DVDs and 130 words that they call course work. And that’s in Maths!"




I'm surprised that i'm not surrounded by a generation of pre-GCSE super geniuses given the complexity of o-levels etc.


I mean - in employment the ability to produce a series of work along a theme (i.e coursework) could not be as useful as the ability to perform a one of task largely by memory.


Bore off.

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I guess I don't pick up the school prize for guessing which system you came through; the spelling and lack of punctuation clearly enlightens me.


Again, the all seeing mystic meg of the SF Board, finds it obvious, like the spilled ketchup on your bib, you offer nothing to the debate as you have nothing worthwhile to say. And I've ploughed through your drivel, mistakes, incorrect use of punctuation and grammatical errors ad infinitum.


You clearly do prove the case for downgrading and whinging all in one.


Well done - but could do better.

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Didn't read most of your rant but got the basic premise.


They're probably upset for a reason along the lines of (and the example i use could apply to any number of professions but i'll use a salesperson as an example);




Jan 1st - If you sell £50k between Jan-Dec you will have satisfied your role as a salesperson. All you need to worry about is getting to £50k and that's you done.



December 31st - You managed the £50k but we've decided it should have been £60k so you've failed. Please improve.


= Unhappy salesperson


In this instance, the analogy should be:


As a "Salesman", you should be expected to sell £50k as a norm.

If you get more than that ... bonus, If you sell £25k we'll let you keep your job.


What? You sold £25k? Tough. We now think that the lowest, acceptable sales should be £30k. On yer bike.

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Guest makapaka
I guess I don't pick up the school prize for guessing which system you came through; the spelling and lack of punctuation clearly enlightens me.


Again, the all seeing mystic meg of the SF Board, finds it obvious, like the spilled ketchup on your bib, you offer nothing to the debate as you have nothing worthwhile to say. And I've ploughed through your drivel, mistakes, incorrect use of punctuation and grammatical errors ad infinitum.


You clearly do prove the case for downgrading and whinging all in one.


Well done - but could do better.


Ah the satisfying irony from a know all. I didn't realise we were testing each others grammar.


If you like I will give you the true spelling of your "entirity" it has an extra "e" - "entirety" - I learnt that in these godforsaken gcse years.

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IMO there is a case for awarding results on a percentage basis only. For example the top, say, 5% would get an A, the next 20% a B, the next 50% a C and the last 25% a D. So a potential employer would be able to see how someone compared with others of the same age.


As curriculums change it is impractical to compare old with new, as the subject matter has changed. The current attempts to maintain a common benchmark has clearly failed, as witnessed by "grade creep". (Does anyone truly believe that the year on year grade improvements of recent years are a demonstration of improvements in either the kids themselves or the quality of their education?)


At present by trying to measure several parameters at the same time, we are unable to measure any single one accurately.

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