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Honest Exam Results - At Last!

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The whinging teachers, people who left school to go back to school, and with all the life experience of ....... er, a school kid, come out in force after a twenty years delivering dumbed down exams that gave everyone an inflated grade, unrealistic expectations and made a university place available to people who should have been butchers, bakers and candlestick makers, if there were any jobs. There aren‘t. So keep the numbers down for 4 years and pack off the unemployed to uni . At last we get fair marking that shows not everyone is A star and what do they do? Scream, shout, whinge from the roof tops. Very mature response. The kind of behaviour they've been handing out detentions for. If anyone needs locking up it's the teachers!


Well, well, little Mary has a ‘D’ and not a ‘C’ - big deal. May be little Mary should have been reading books instead of texting garbage. And if the teachers had enforved some discipline instead of wanting to their best friend maybe this wouldn't have happened.


We've had years of useless exams where grades have gone lower and lower - you literally can't fail! G grades are counted as a pass! % as low as 25 get you a pass. And throughout all that time the teachers have lapped it up and basked in the praise of raising standards year upon year. False praise matched by the false hope they engendered in their pupils who we know were unemployable as they can't read or write and certainly can't speak and get by on som e form of 'txt.' speak.


The whole exam system needs to be returned to a testing of knowledge and not a collection of 20 drawings, 8 photos, 3 DVDs and 130 words that they call course work. And that’s in Maths!


Everyone can go to university. Yeah, like everyone can walk on the moon.


At last we see sense and the modern day parents can’t take it neither can the ‘be my best friend’ teachers.


This just seems to be one big jumbled rant against teachers (who need locking up:huh:) parents, students and the exam system all mixed into one. When really this is to do with the AQA exam board moving the goal posts at the last minute. It seems to me that such a move is hardly 'honest' at all and if I was little Mary I think I would have good grounds to complain.


This is not about 'fair' marking at all. It is grade manipulation by the AQA exam board in one subject only, in one grade boundary only. Quite why the exam board did this I'm not so sure, perhaps there is some political agenda to it? Maybe it has been done to make the new academies look better when they can manipulate the grades up again next year, who knows? What I know is that changing the pass level halfway through the year, for no apparent reason, is not fair or honest, whatever you think of anything else. Remember, those taking the same exams in January got an easier ride than those who took it in June. Where's the consistency in that?

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This is not about 'fair' marking at all. It is grade manipulation by the AQA exam board in one subject only, in one grade boundary only. Quite why the exam board did this I'm not so sure, perhaps there is some political agenda to it? Maybe it has been done to make the new academies look better when they can manipulate the grades up again next year, who knows? What I know is that changing the pass level halfway through the year, for no apparent reason, is not fair or honest, whatever you think of anything else. ........


I guess that you, along with all those moaning, didn't bother to read the information regarding Grade Boundaries put out by AQA well over a year ago.


They explained, exactly, how the boundaries would be allocated and that they would change after getting more data from the higher numbers of candidates in the Summer Series.

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It should all be done via a normal distribution. There is really no reason to think that one year will be more or less intelligent than another so that is the fairest way. It also takes out the competition for students to get more A* grades so that there would be no reason for exam boards to dumb exams down. They could make them as challenging as they wanted.


I also think that each exam should be a progression of questions from very basic to very challenging. The poorer students would be able to get a certain percentage from the easier questions and the best students would get more by answering the more challenging essay style questions at the end. That way they would not be prevented from getting the higher grades just because they had been placed in a lower set. However there should be sets for as many subjects as the school can provide. The brightest and poorest students cannot be taught in the same manner!


There should be coursework style projects but they should be done in exam conditions.


The exam boards, schools and governments have completely overcomplicated everything.

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This just seems to be one big jumbled rant against teachers (who need locking up:huh:) parents, students and the exam system all mixed into one. When really this is to do with the AQA exam board moving the goal posts at the last minute. It seems to me that such a move is hardly 'honest' at all and if I was little Mary I think I would have good grounds to complain.


This is not about 'fair' marking at all. It is grade manipulation by the AQA exam board in one subject only, in one grade boundary only. Quite why the exam board did this I'm not so sure, perhaps there is some political agenda to it? Maybe it has been done to make the new academies look better when they can manipulate the grades up again next year, who knows? What I know is that changing the pass level halfway through the year, for no apparent reason, is not fair or honest, whatever you think of anything else. Remember, those taking the same exams in January got an easier ride than those who took it in June. Where's the consistency in that?


Silly me.


Fancy lumping teachers, parents, students and exam boards into one big subject like education.


Forgot they have nothing in common. Best leave it all to the teachers then. They made the mess in the first place through being so apathetic as to not get kids to the higher standard in the first place.


Strange though, not a single teacher shares that view.


I wonder why? A life time of 'do as I say' perhaps sheds light.


As for only in one subject! This is the start of righting the educational wrongs that has seen a generation [and more] of kids cheated of realistic standards and handicapped in the real world of work by being ill equipped in the basics required.


Employers queue up to regale us with tales of 'can't read or write'. That's why it's English in the cross hairs to be followed by maths [ some of the worst standards compared with other develpoed countries] and science.


The simple truth is education lost its way a long time ago when degrees were replaced with PGCE and pay scales being lowered meant quality graduates, the ones with higher degrees in quality subjects other than Media Studies and History of Art, chose the City over a career balancing a packed lunch on you knee marking books.


The average entrant into teaching today is pretty thick compared with their peers at uni who chose something else, anything else other than teaching as a profession.


The exams have had learning removed, knowledge removed, coursework increased and insider input to enable all to pass. As for coursework; they take it home where Mom, dad, neighbour, cousin in fact anyone other than the pupil can do it for them.


That is the fact.


As it is now they at last start to get what they deserve - lowered grades.

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The simple truth is education lost its way a long time ago when degrees were replaced with PGCE



Let us ignore all of your other trolling baloney for a moment and ask you a simple question:


Do you know what the letters PGCE stand for?

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