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Honest Exam Results - At Last!

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I guess that you, along with all those moaning, didn't bother to read the information regarding Grade Boundaries put out by AQA well over a year ago.


They explained, exactly, how the boundaries would be allocated and that they would change after getting more data from the higher numbers of candidates in the Summer Series.


I read that they did it year upon year and thought that was strange enough, but not that they changed it from paper to paper meaning Jan was far easier than June? I still think it bizarre that they don't tell you the pass margin before the exam, but after. I don't think it fair that no one knows that the pass mark is and it also opens the whole thing up to manipulation, as the exam board entirely determines the result. I just know that if I was taking the exam I would want to know what percentage I needed to pass and not to have it fiddled afterwards - I don't think that is too much to ask.


Forgot they have nothing in common. Best leave it all to the teachers then. They made the mess in the first place through being so apathetic as to not get kids to the higher standard in the first place.


etc, etc - Blaming teachers solely for falling standards in education is akin to blaming doctors for the rise in obesity or the police force for the crime rate. Pretty senseless and ridiculously generalised to say the least like most of your other comments.

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Let us ignore all of your other trolling baloney for a moment and ask you a simple question:


Do you know what the letters PGCE stand for?




I was enjoying watching him frothing and making a fool of himself with nobody rising to the bait.

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I think the clue is in the second letter... :)


Indeed; but, now people have started getting all factual on his ass, the fun of watching him spouting increasingly spurious nonsense with nobody responding will come to an end.


Ah well.

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A good response made, some good points and some unpleasant ones. But there you go. Some people have nothing better to do than insult others.


However, this remains a serious debate concerned primarily with the inadequate teachers shirking their responsibilities. I note how they hide from the light and even those commenting on here in defence of do not claim to be teachers. Yet some, of course have friends who happen to be teachers. Yes. Of course.


As in any cross section of society we the full gamut on here. The sad, the bad and the drab who spoil it for the rest of us.


The debate remains unblemished; teachers - lowered standards.

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A good response made, some good points and some unpleasant ones. But there you go. Some people have nothing better to do than insult others.


However, this remains a serious debate concerned primarily with the inadequate teachers shirking their responsibilities. I note how they hide from the light and even those commenting on here in defence of do not claim to be teachers. Yet some, of course have friends who happen to be teachers. Yes. Of course.


As in any cross section of society we the full gamut on here. The sad, the bad and the drab who spoil it for the rest of us.


The debate remains unblemished; teachers - lowered standards.


Hey. Good edit.


I've left your original response above:D


Now... about that pesky PGCE question that has made you look a trifle silly. Care to answer?

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I find you rather sad but oddly enough will provide you with the two words that you seem to be missing: tempted as I am to think of chump and eejit I'll have to settle for Cert. [allow the abv.] and Ed. [another abv.]


Please do not ask for further explanation. But you've also prompted the exposure of the useless B.Ed., another fast tracking of sub-standard students into education. It stands for 'bed' where students spend far too long. Clear?


I look forward to your next question. As attractive and stimulating as one of your lessons I expect, where prizes are given for those who remain awake longest. It must have some novel appeal having to ask questions and not answer them! Not a teacher. Yes, of course. You've got that pedantic swagger in your words and self belief that you're interesting. I expect you dress like a teacher!


Now if the rest of of us can at all be allowed to continue with our debate of just why you teachers have let our children down so badly.

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I find you rather sad but oddly enough will provide you with the two words that you seem to be missing: tempted as I am to think of chump and eejit I'll have to settle for Cert. [allow the abv.] and Ed. [another abv.]


Please do not ask for further explanation. But you've also prompted the exposure of the useless B.Ed., another fast tracking of sub-standard students into education. It stands for 'bed' where students spend far too long. Clear?


I look forward to your next question. As attractive and stimulating as one of your lessons I expect, where prizes are given for those who remain awake longest. It must have some novel appeal having to ask questions and not answer them! Not a teacher. Yes, of course. You've got that pedantic swagger in your words and self belief that you're interesting. I expect you dress like a teacher!


Now if the rest of of us can at all be allowed to continue with our debate of just why you teachers have let our children down so badly.


Fifteen minutes to think up that nonsense of a reply. You should have a word with your English teacher.


Here we go. PGCE means Post Graduate Certificate Of Education. Most of us knew that.


I'm off for some shut-eye now. Whilst I'm gone, why don't you explain to the good readers of Sheffield Forum, how degrees were superceded by Post Graduate qualifications. You might want to say when that happened.


Meantime, I suspect that the 12 people left reading this thread will all be sniggering at your contributions so far. Must try harder.

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