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Unsporting Olympic Behaviour - A Disgrace.

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Why .............?


because they don't include it as part of the Olympics whereas they do include athletes whose standard is well below what is required of others yet they come from some obscure country where the athletes are incapable of attaining qualification standards.


because they see a difference


because they patronise in interviews the way the patronised colour years ago.


because now ....... get it now ................ this subject will be danced around because it came from a disabled person. Instead of hammering him in the same way Rooney rightfully gets hammered for his foul outbursts they won't know which way to jump.


They [the media] will not know which way to react.


I'm clear. He's a disgrace. Ban him. Throw him out. Disability is not the issue. His behaviour is.


But the luvvies at the BBC, the Fleet Street editors......... let's see what tomorrow's press brings because already the internet is scared like a frozen rabbit in the headlights.

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My opinion is that the Paralympics should have been combined with the Olympics, and given equal credence.


IMO, just because an athlete has an amputation, a visual impairment, or uses a wheelchair, does not make them any less valid as an Olympian/ athlete/ person than anyone else.


Who's saying the athletes in the Paralympics are any less of an Olympian ?


Logistically to have the 2 games running side by side at the same time would be a total nightmare if you wanted to fit it into the 17 days the main Olympics ran for.


Nothing wrong with there been the Olympics and then a couple of weeks later having the Paralympics.


If the 2 games did run side by side, I think the able bodied games would take precedence and get the vast majority of the coverage and in all honesty it could do more harm than good for the Paralympics.

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My opinion is that the Paralympics should have been combined with the Olympics, and given equal credence.


IMO, just because an athlete has an amputation, a visual impairment, or uses a wheelchair, does not make them any less valid as an Olympian/ athlete/ person than anyone else.


Couldnt really take part in the Archery, so it seems it does make it less valid.

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My opinion is that the Paralympics should have been combined with the Olympics, and given equal credence.


IMO, just because an athlete has an amputation, a visual impairment, or uses a wheelchair, does not make them any less valid as an Olympian/ athlete/ person than anyone else.


where is the LIKE button :P

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My opinion is that the Paralympics should have been combined with the Olympics, and given equal credence.


IMO, just because an athlete has an amputation, a visual impairment, or uses a wheelchair, does not make them any less valid as an Olympian/ athlete/ person than anyone else.


Now when you say combined with the Olympics, do you mean run the two games as two independant games but together at the same time or are you suggesting able bodied athletes and non able bodied athletes compete side by side in the same events / races.


Because one of them suggestions is totally unworkable.

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Being disabled is not the issue nor is it an excuse. Being able to accept the rules of the sport is the starting point and he let everyone down.


No apology after the debacle can excuse it.


No apology from the officials after their debacle, can excuse their robbing him of his chance?


I think, given the intensity of his feeling, it would have been a disgrace, had he not made an out-burst.

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No apology from the officials after their debacle, can excuse their robbing him of his chance?


I think, given the intensity of his feeling, it would have been a disgrace, had he not made an out-burst.


I will admit I didn't see the incident on TV, only what I've been reading online.


But if the rules state he doesn't get a restart then why should the officials apologize.

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