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Unsporting Olympic Behaviour - A Disgrace.

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why does everyone act like human nature is such a paragon of virtue good thing?


look around you...it isn't.


we should keep trying to do the best we can.


Depends what you mean by human nature? :)


I agree, we should do (and be) the very best that we can. But what does that actually mean, really? How do we define 'best' here? Is it something other people, society, defines for us. Or is it something we define for ourselves?

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Isn't that what's happening, now, anyway? It's been sidelined, IMO.


The Paralympics are being broadcast on channel four, with all the interruptions of the ad breaks and other rubbish. there's nothing LIKE the coverage that was available for the Olympics.


I wouldn't say it's been sidelined, it's a competition in it's ownright been shown on national TV. You're right, it's not got the same coverage as the Olympics but that's down to the fact that the Paralympics just isn't as popular as its able bodied big brother. It would become a major sideshow if it was to run alongside the Olympic Games.

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Anyone noticed anything positive about the Paralympic Games?
The principle behind all competition is challenging your peers at whatever level you're proficient. Many of us run, ride, jump or swim at a lot lower level than full olympians, without massive crowds watching us, and thoroughly enjoy it. I would put paraolympians in that category. I don't believe many of them are looking for vast crowds, because what they do, they do for themselves, and in truth can be considered boring by the sensation seeking public. Sorry, but that's a fact of life.
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what's to understand here?


when you wake tomorrow (hopefully) look around you and experience your environment. unless you're at one of the poles (deserts) there should be some humans around.


Normally, I'd probably be just as cynical, more so (and I don't mean that in a bad way).


I am makinging a distinction between what humans actually do, on the whole, as a species; and, the promptings of our inner nature as individuals.

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The principle behind all competition is challenging your peers at whatever level you're proficient. Many of us run, ride, jump or swim at a lot lower level than full olympians, without massive crowds watching us, and thoroughly enjoy it. I would put paraolympians in that category. I don't believe many of them are looking for vast crowds, because what they do, they do for themselves, and in truth can be considered boring by the sensation seeking public. Sorry, but that's a fact of life.


Does anyone think that the paralympians are taking part in the games to be on the same level as the able bodied Olympians,that would be unrealistic.


I'm sure you are right in saying that they are not looking for vast crowds to watch them, the fact that the viewing figures have reflected that they do have a massive following though has been an expectation many of them have found very encouraging.


They're may be differences in the level of skill and acchievment in the two groups,but the similariies are very noticeable, the dediication, the sheer determination,and the mental and physical stamina.Those likenesses are equal.


No one is expecting everyone who enjoyed watching the Olympic sports that came before to want to watch these events,they will all have their own individual reasons for not doing so.

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My opinion is that the Paralympics should have been combined with the Olympics, and given equal credence.


But they arent equal.

Not by any stretch of the imagination and so the disabled athletes have to have their own olympics.

Besides, you cant seriously expect them to compete with normal athletes on anything like equal terms. Theyd get mullard if they competed against able bodied people.

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