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Unsporting Olympic Behaviour - A Disgrace.

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Some people are rather bashful and not so up front as others; they are a little tentative in their approach. It must be really horrible for them when they then take the brave step of joining a group , only to find some bully boy immediately attacking them and expecting them to come up with some defence for an unsubstantiated "crime":cool:


Talking from experience by any chance? How long were you loitering on here before signing up on the 7th Aug? It must have been quite a while for you to have formed such strong opinions on these "bully boys".

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Talking from experience by any chance? How long were you loitering on here before signing up on the 7th Aug? It must have been quite a while for you to have formed such strong opinions on these "bully boys".


My perception has been described as exceptional and so is my intelligence. ;)

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The guy was pumped up for his event ready to burst in to action, all that energy had to be channeled somewhere a lot worse has been done in the world sport afterwards he was repentant at what he'd done, everyone including his parents will get over the incident, its just something that was done in the heat of the moment.

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I expect Anna Glypta will have something to say about that.


A lot can be said about user names. Im wondering whether this poster may have been decorating, moments before they came across the Forump? I was just saying this to Steak-Pie the other day. He isnt a Forump member. Steak-Pie is his real name. Mr Pie, and yes, you guessed it.......he is a Lumberjack.

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That guy trained for four years for that.


You put a very strong and force full post, I wonder what your stand is on footballers that do it week in week out


Exactly although wrong I can understnad his reaction however footballers do the same week in week out over the smallest thing.


Infact watching the Olympics has made me realise just how pathetic some of them are they don't train anything like as hard as the athletes and get paid a fortune and are such bad role models.


Tom Daley got to take another dive because a few flash guns went off....

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