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Latest Wheelie Bin Craze.


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Ok, misinterpret this. If you are one of these lasy, slobbish prats who like to shove their crap in someone elses bin WITHOUT ASKING, then you are an out+out gimp. You may want to put some more rubbish in your bin at a later date, but wont be able to, because some PRAT has filled your bin up with their crap. Its not rocket science. If its not your bin, dont use it. If youve put too much crap in your own bin, jump on it. I hate idiots who do this, and they are nothing more than annoying gimps. Rant over. aarrgghhh


Personally, I'd ask. But I don't mind if other people put stuff in my bin after I've put it out near the kerb , as long as they don't prevent it from being emptied.

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Perhaps it is better not to regard a wheelie bin as "my bin" or "their bin". They should all be regarded as community bins. This is the only way forward, as all bins should be used to their maximum efficiency.:cool:


Yeah, OK, so long as they're prepared to pay our bill for having the bin cleaned.

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Twice now recently some kind person has decided their bin is full (i presume) so filled mine instead. What should i do with my rubish now?:huh: Its almost a week before the next collection. Looks like i will have to find a way of locking it in future. I suppose this will catch on very soon with the fortnightly collection.

Are you living in block of flats?

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the same here in chesterfield we have had them for yeaars now never had trouble such as yo have had if we are full we ask neighbours who we have alot of pensioners who never fill their bin so we ask if we can put it in theirs never any problem, what i do see in sheffield where i come from that kids, men,youths like to set them on fire and wheel them up to peoples doors causing massive amount of damage and even deaths in the property. they don't seem to reqalise the harm they cause

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the same here in chesterfield we have had them for yeaars now never had trouble such as yo have had if we are full we ask neighbours who we have alot of pensioners who never fill their bin so we ask if we can put it in theirs never any problem, what i do see in sheffield where i come from that kids, men,youths like to set them on fire and wheel them up to peoples doors causing massive amount of damage and even deaths in the property. they don't seem to realise the harm they cause

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