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The French are at it again.

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I love how some people's opinions of the French is still based on a war that happened 70 years ago.


More recently the French have done sterling work dealing with Somali pirates and their gunboats, where the British have done little because they consider the Falklands more important.


The Falklands are more important. Defending your own land has to be a priority.

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If he does some research on cheese, then he will find we probably have the most variety of cheeses on sale


It was DeGaulle who asked: "How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese?"


Other than that, I have nothing to add to this thread.:)

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If the French didn't surrender how come the Germans were in France? Just asking...
They were in France just the same as they were in Poland, Denmark, Finland, Holland, Belgium, (most of-) the Balkans, Greece, (most of-) North Africa, Russia, etc, etc.


Not heard you call the Russians black bread-eating surrendering peasants yet :huh:


You might want to add that one to your trolling repertoire :thumbsup:

edit: twice...
Thrice, if yours was a reference to WI and WWII only. Plus a few more if you care to go back a few more decades and centuries. Mind you, German parts were invaded by Gauls/French many times over just the same, over the centuries. There's never been any love lost between these neighbours (and I don't recall France surrendering during WWI, either).


Have you finished first grade yet? Looks like you haven't done the lion's share of studying (really very-) basic European history yet :hihi:

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Doesn't excuse your ignorant slurs on the French. What is it, jealousy because they have better food, wine and a bigger car industry than the UK?


How right you are, add to that a relaxed life style and, if you move there from the UK, you only have one language to learn. I was in the city centre in Sheffield last week and only heard two Sheffield accented voices,the rest were, well lets not go in to that, or the thread will expand beyond recognition, and probably end in threats from the Taliban or some other religious zealots!

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It was DeGaulle who asked: "How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese?"


Other than that, I have nothing to add to this thread.:)


Well, this explains a lot, then:

The British Cheese Board states that there are over 700 named British cheeses produced in the UK.


Jack, you might want to try some cheese: it must taste better than your own foot :hihi::hihi:

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How right you are, add to that a relaxed life style and, if you move there from the UK, you only have one language to learn. I was in the city centre in Sheffield last week and only heard two Sheffield accented voices,the rest were, well lets not go in to that, or the thread will expand beyond recognition, and probably end in threats from the Taliban or some other religious zealots!


Do you expect anyone to believe that you went into the city centre and you only heard two Sheffield accents? Also do you not think that France also has a big immigrant population?

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